Their Change

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We made our way back to U.A. once we saw that All Might had defeated All-for-One. Somehow he managed to beat us to the gates of U.A. and seemed to be waiting for our rescue squad. When we got within earshot he called out to Izuku and asked, "Young Midoriya, can we talk privately for a moment?" Izuku answered him with apprehension in his voice. "Sure All Might."

All Might led him to the teachers lounge but not before Izuku signaled us behind his back to follow him. So Tenya, Shoto, Kiri, Katsuki, Momo and I followed him from a distance where we could still hear them but they couldn't see us. As they reached the teachers lounge and went inside, Izuku made sure he closed the door so there was a small crack where we could listen in to the conversation. None of us had a good feeling about this and we were proven right. We were honestly shocked with the audacity coming from All Might. 

"Midoriya, what you and your friends did today was incredibly reckless. You should have let the Pros handle this mission. You were told to stay put and you stupidly decided to go off on a rescue mission that was already underway. If you pull another stunt like this again I will be forced to take back my quirk." After his rant he stood up and walked towards the door, not even giving Izuku a chance to defend himself. 

We noticed he was walking toward us so we scattered looking for hiding places. We waited until he had turned the corner before coming out of our hiding spots and going to comfort our green haired friend. "How could he say something like that. We saved Katsuki while he was to busy fighting All-for -One to care about him." I put my hand on Izuku's shoulder to show my support. "Yeah man, that wasn't very heroic of the number one Hero." He turned to look at us and the look on his face made my heart melt. "I don't know guys. Come on, let's get back to the rest of the class. They'll be waiting for us." We all share a sad look before following him.

When we get back Izuku explains what had happened to the others. He also shared the secret behind his quirk. He told us of how All Might had given it to him after he saved Katsuki from a sludge villain a few months before the entrance exam. He told us about the history of the quirk and that he was the ninth person to receive it. That made so much sense when we thought abut it. It explained why Katsuki thought he was quirkless during the quirk assessment test and why he kept breaking his bones until the internships. That brought another thought to my mind, 'All Might really doesn't know how to teach.' 

A few days go by and we caught ourselves watching the teachers. We even noticed things about them that we would never have thought to look for. It was like overhearing that one conversation had pulled a veil from our eyes and left us seeing the world with more clarity. We noticed how most of the teachers would look down on the students with quirks that would be considered weaker than others. They wouldn't make it obvious but we were taught by Eraserhead. We saw how those same heroes would always wait until there was someone filming a fight before they would intervene. And they always stayed on the better parts of town where there was less crime. 

One day we came together as a class and compared notes. Turns out that we had all been noticing the same things. After a few minutes of sharing bits of information Izuku brought up the idea of doing some digging of our own to see what else we could find, if only to ease or doubts. In response, Momo brought up the fact that in order to do that we needed some specific skills, skills that we didn't have. That gave me an idea. "Guys, I think I know how we can do this." 

The next day during lunch I make my way to the classroom of the one person that I knew would be able to help us. As I approach the door I have to dive out of the way as it is literally blown off its hinges. I shake my head at the sight and stand up from my position on the floor, dusting myself off on my way up. I walk through the new hole in the wall and find myself face to face with the person I was looking for. She was standing there with an exited smile and soot covering every inch of her face except for where her safety goggles sat covering her eyes. 

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