Hiding Our Tracks

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"Keep up the good work guys. We need them ready by tonight, can you do that?" 

"Of course we can. We already have half of them done."

Mei and I had been working on these costumes since six in the morning. We spent the first hour figuring out a way to make them so that they worked with each persons quirks. Mei was the one who found the solution. She figured out that if we infused the materials with a persons DNA the quirk would treat the costume as a part of their body. We had also added hoods and masks to each of them to help hide our identities better. Production had gone by a lot faster after the first one was finished now that we knew what to do. It was now noon and we were almost finished with them.

While we were busy with our current project everyone else had been training. Izuku was helping them get better at their quirkless fighting. They were already quite good at it and it was a skill that would keep us from being discovered to quickly. Another thing we would be adding to our new style was weapons. We would all keep at least three different weapons on us at all times. Any others would be up to the individual. We would each have a small dagger as well as a few explosives and a fold-able bo staff. Mei had brought two duffle bags filled to the brim with different weapons to choose from. 

Some people just opted for more knives or more explosives. But others decided to get something different. I saw a few people grab some kunai or a few Shuriken. I even thought I saw Ochako grab a gun from somewhere but I couldn't be sure. I decided to make my own weapon aside from the ones we were choosing from. However I did grab a gun and some claw rings. As soon as Mei and I finished the last costume an hour and a half later, we sent everyone off to try them on and I got to work on my second project. I was so immersed in my inventing that I didn't even notice as everyone got back and started showing off their outfits. Nor did I notice the heavy footfalls coming in my direction.  

"Hey, what are you working on over here."

"Shh, gimme a sec."

I finished screwing the small piece of metal into place before I looked up at the person who had interrupted me. Kiri was standing above me watching as I fiddled with the piece of metal that was slowly taking shape. He raised a curious eyebrow as I answered him, but most likely not the answer he was hoping for. 

"I'm making myself a weapon. I wanted something different than everyone else, hence the inventing." 

"But you don't need to. You can just use your quirk."

"True but I don't think this weapon has been invented yet so I need to do that first."

"Oh I get it. Well have fun then I guess."

Kiri got up and left to go show off his outfit to Katsuki. I just shrugged and continued working. After a few mini explosions where I had accidently nudged the wrong wires with my screwdriver or put two uncooperative metals together, I finally held the finished product in my hands. All that was left to do was test it. That and figure out what color I wanted to make the handle. 

I stood up from where I had perched myself and stretched. I sighed in satisfaction as I heard and felt the pops along my spinal chord. Of course, this drew the attention of everyone else to me. They all stared at me from their places around the room as I twisted my wrist and activated my newest creation. Their eyes practically fell out of their heads as the bean of pure plasma rose from the handle. A glowing deep purple beam of light attached to the six inch tube in my hands and it was gaining much more of a reaction from everyone than I expected. Of course Denki was the first to break out of the shock.

"You made a lightsaber?!"

"Well I was thinking of calling it a Plasma blade but you have the right idea."

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