Final Introduction

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"Hello everyone and welcome back to our channel. I am your host for tonight and you can call me Banshee. We plan to introduce the rest of the crew tonight as well as getting rid of the last six fakes we've caught. For the last 24 hours we have been giving them chances to realize their wrongdoings and change their ways but they have refused to heed our warnings. So now we will be getting rid of them. Now let's introduce the recruits who will be helping me with this task. Come on out you four."

Four people came into view on the screen. They were wearing similar outfits to the five people introduced the day before. They stopped in front of Banshee and turned toward the camera. Then after a short bow they introduced themselves to Japan. It started from the tallest on the left to the shortest on the right. 

"Hello to everyone, I am Hermes. I am very excited to finally be a part of the action. Especially after Pirate told us what he and the others did yesterday."

"Hey guys you can just call me Kai. I can't wait to get started. I've been itching for something to do."

"Hi everyone~ My name is Caelestis. We are going to have so much fun together. I can't wait for you all to see our plans."

"Hello, I'm Poison Dart. This is all so exciting, don't you agree?"

After they were finished speaking, Banshee took over the spotlight while they went towards the six people tied up in the chairs. At the same time they took out the same guns the were used on the last group of students. Banshee was keeping the attention on him until they were ready to go ahead. 

"Now that those four have been introduced, let's move on to the next objective. Getting rid of these fake heroes. One of these fakes was a very passionate support course student by the name Mei Hatsume. The other four were powerhouses of the hero course. Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Miko Otori, and the son of the number 2 Hero, Shoto Todoroki. We also have another Pro Hero but we will save him for later. Shall we get to it." 

He joined the four by the students and pulled out his own gun. And as one they all pointed their guns straight at the students' hearts and pulled the trigger. Next Banshee uncovered the pro hero and moved aside so his face was visible. The hero lifted his head to show his identity. You could almost hear the gasps from U.A when the Hero was shown to be Eraserhead. Those that knew him also knew that he was impossible to take by surprise. That fact made the Assassination Association instantly more dangerous in their minds. 

Banshee waited for five seconds so the people watching could see just what he had done to Eraserhead. Banshee had given him a black eye and a split lip. He let that information sink in before pulling the trigger and shooting him on the side of his head. The pool of red that gathered at the point of impact and the limp form of the hero was enough indication that he was now dead. Banshee, Hermes, Kai, Caelestis, and Poison Dart turned back to the camera and started another speech. 

"Now since we aren't heartless they will be getting proper burials. We do respect them in some way. They stood up for what they believed even till their end. But we suggest you do not follow in their footsteps. The world needs to change and we plan to bring on the start of this change."

"This is where we leave you, people of Japan. The four of us must see to the burials of the dead. We will not be back in time for the end of the video so this will be our farewell. "

"Bye guys and thanks for sticking around this long."

"Bye everyone~, it was nice to meet you."

"Goodbye everyone, we will meet again soon."

The four grabbed the bodies and left the screen. Then Banshee started calling out names of the other recruits.

"Please welcome to the stage Zeus, Venom, White Noise, and Neith. As you can see everyone's costumes are outlined by a different color. Zeus' costume is bordered by a bright yellow. Venom's is pink. White Noise's is a lavender purple. And Neith's is blood red."

They walked off screen as the next four were called up.

"Next we have Cthulu, Night-Mare, Forest King, and Solar Flare. Solar Flare has rainbow skin because of her quirk. Cthulu has a light blue border to his costume. Forest king is the one with the dark green and Night-Mare has an all black costume."

"The last four to join us on stage are Beast with his dim yellow distinction. Ninja with his white border. Enigma with a deep purple outline. And Tripwire who's outline is grey. We have another member but she will not be joining us today. Her name is Devika and we may talk about her more often."

"We will end today's video here as we have nothing else to inform you of at the moment. Let's get the group back into the shot and give a big farewell to the audience." 

Everyone except Hermes, Kai, Caelestis, and Poison Dart came back on screen and said farewell to the people watching the video. 


Everyone was gathered around a six foot hole in the ground behind our home. We had just thrown in our hero costumes as we would no longer be needing them. But there was still a sad feeling hanging in the air. We were letting go of the last thing that still connected us to our past as heroes in training. There were a few shed tears as we filled in the hole and covered the pieces of fabric with dirt. We engraved a stone with 'The U.A students' and put it over the plot of dirt. It was true. What we did these last two days meant the death of the U.A. students that we used to be. 

Devika walked out and joined our group and looked at the ground. She looked confused before turning to Pirate and asking. "Why are we staring at the dirt? Let's go inside, I want apple slices." Her innocent statement lightened the mood and caused us to forget what we were so sad about. We followed her inside and had a little snack of apple slices before being sent off to bed. We all shared a hug before separating into our own rooms. 


The next day was spent going over plans and maps of the city. We needed to make sure we knew the entire city like the back of our hands incase we ever needed to take the back roads and alleys to escape. We would spend the next week just patrolling and familiarizing ourselves with the rooftops. After that week we would be starting our research on the fake heroes that needed to be taken down. 

We had two Heroes that were a confirmed take down at the moment. That list would only grow as we did more and more research. We would focus on one Hero at a time to make it more efficient. Maybe we could also try to find a few allies in our new line of work. At first thought there were a few people that came up.

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