Joint Training pt.2/Escape

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As I rested on the bench I watched as Izuku's team was called up to start their battle. I watched and listened as he told them his plan for dealing with the heroes. Since the first battle simulation at the beginning of the year Nezu had updated the cameras. Now we were able to hear everything that was being said. We could hear him tell the girls to focus their attacks on Midnight since her quirk only worked on men. He and the boys would focus on All Might. He told them to aim their attacks at his left side but didn't say why. The members of class 1-A in the observation room all shared a look. We knew why, All Might's weakness was his left side. The teachers all knew as well and they were most likely wondering how Izuku knew. If any of the teachers or class 1-b noticed our look they didn't say anything. 

The fight went on for a while longer than mine did. Though the girls had collectively taken out Midnight early on in the battle, they were having trouble getting to All Might. Before the girls had joined in the efforts, the only ones to land their hits on All Might were Izuku and Shoto. Now that they were all working together there were a few more who managed to land their hits. It still took them another twenty minutes to take him down without losing any of their teammates. Quite impressive considering that All Might never held anything back, even against students. 

They all looked worn out and exhausted when they walked into the observation room. Izuku was even leaning against Shoto as the trudged towards Nezu to receive their scores. As they reached him Izuku paused and drew up the strength to stand on his own before facing the principal. Shoto took a few steps back, not wanting to take away the spotlight from Izuku. After a short staring contest the principal smiled and opened his mouth. 

"Congratulations Izuku Midoriya. You have lead your team to an astounding victory." Izuku nodded and an exhausted "Thank you sir," passed from his lips. He then turned and leaned back against Shoto as they slowly made their way to the bench where I was sitting. Izuku sat down on my left and Shoto sat beside Izuku. Not long after Katsuki came and sat down on my right and leaned my head on his shoulders. Apparently I was more tired than I realized because I felt my eyes drifting closed as the third team was called up. 

I had slept through the next two fights but according to Katsuki they had both lost. Apparently the third team had been ambushed and were not able to fight their way out. The last team had managed to take down one of their opponents but ended up loosing five of their teammates. They were both given an hour to recuperate before trying again under a new leader. Said leader was chosen again by luck of the draw. The former leader of each team was told to choose their successor the same way Nezu chose the teams. 

Team three's new leader was Ochako Uraraka. She gently showed her team what they did wrong and helped them get better. With this strategy they were more prepared for their opponents and managed to scrape a victory with only two teammates lost. Team four was unluckily under the leadership of Tenya Iida. He was like a drill sergeant with the way he lectured them on all of their wrong doings and how they could be better. He came up with three different strategies to use incase one ended up failing. Because he was so prepared he also claimed a victory with his team. He did however end up having to use one of his contingency plans. 

We had been at this for most of the day and by the time we were free to go back to the dorms, the time was already 4:30 in the afternoon. We didn't get lunch so we congregated in the cafeteria to have an early dinner. Lunch Rush was happy to cook for 40 hungry teenagers and made us an amazing meal. We talked about fake plans for the weekend while we ate so as to not seem suspicious in front of the other class. We made sure to eat quickly and as a class we headed back to the dorms. 

I shot a quick text to Mei telling her to meet us in the common room in ten minutes. By the time she got there all the students were waiting around the couches and Aizawa and Mic were quietly talking in the kitchen while Eri sat by the table eating apple slices. Once I was sure we were all ready I called everyone's attention to me by standing in front of the TV. I cleared my throat and waited for everyone to be looking at me. 

"Ok, we've been planning this for a couple of days now and everyone except the adults knows how this is going to go down. So I'll explain it for their benefit. We split into teams of three. Everyone grabs as many bags as they can carry while still being able to move freely. We wait until the alarms go on. That's when we move to the roof. We can building hop to the school barrier and over it. Then we split up into our groups so as not to draw attention to ourselves. Take rooftops, alleys, and backroads. And remember, if you are seen act like you're supposed to be out." 

I pause to let it all sink in before continuing on with my explanation. "Aizawa, you and Mic are taking Eri so you three will be one group. You can easily track on of the other groups since you don't know where we are going. Could you three stay at the back to make sure everyone makes it over the gates?" At Aizawa's nod I move on to the next part. "OK, I want Mei and Shoji with me. Katsuki I need you to take Ojiro and Tsu. Izuku, Tokoyami, and Jirou, you are the next group. Shoto and Denki and Momo, you three go together. Shinsou you are with Hagakure and Sero.  Tenya, Kiri, and Mina you're one group. Sato you can bring up the rear with Ochako and Kouda."

We sat around the common room talking about random things until curfew rolled around. When it came, we split off to go to out rooms to change into darker clothes. This would help us blend into the shadows and make it harder for us to be spotted. It would still be possible if someone were to look to closely so we still needed to be careful. Once that was done we met back in the common room.

After everyone split off into their groups we all took a few bags to carry. We would figure out whose was whose when we got to where we were going. Making sure the alarms were on, Aizawa wrapped his scarf around Eri in a makeshift carrier and gave us the go ahead to head to the roof. It took us maybe three minutes to make it over the rooftops of the dorm buildings and the school barrier. The two adults took a quick headcount to make sure no one got left behind before we split off. It only took us ten minutes, using rooftops and backroads, to reach the warehouse where we would be making our home.

Making it there with my group only seconds before our teachers, we waited for the rest of the class to join us. It wasn't a long wait, maybe a few minutes, before the last group showed up. I gave a nod to Shoji who then opened the big doors of the warehouse. We set down the bags in one corner before spreading out around the building looking for resources. There are rooms along the sides that we would be able to turn into bedrooms. The middle was a big open space that would later be turned into the common area. There was a second level with more rooms and it had one large balcony that overlooked the middle. There were even four bathrooms, two on each level. Luckily the water and electricity still worked, making me believe it was recently abandoned. 

We found a bit of furniture in the rooms seeing as it was being used as a storage unit before it was left. There were some couches that Shoji, Sato, and Kiri moved to the common area. As well as a large area rug that we laid down under the couches. There were even two of the upper rooms filled with just mattresses. Those were distributed so every room that we planned to turn to bedrooms had one. Everyone had one mattress for now but we would find more later. We found a few appliances in some of the rooms but, since they needed to be fixed before we could use them, we just left them where they were. 

Since by now it was a little past midnight we just decided to have a sleepover in the common area. We all cuddled up on the rug and couches that we brought down and under the blankets that we brought. With in a few minutes everyone was fast asleep. It seemed as if no one was able to keep their eyes open any longer than it took us to get fully situated under the blankets. And If Aizawa snapped a photo before he to got under the blankets, well only he and Mic knew. That photo would become his lock-screen the next morning with no one else the wiser. 


A/N. Hey guys, sorry that this one was a bit shorter. I just didn't know what else to add on to make it match up wit the way I want to arrange the chapters. Let me know how you like it so far. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Thanks and Enjoy.

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