Big bang mystery

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If there was one word to describe the Indian Royal Palace it would be busy. All over the place, workers were running around, setting the place up for their upcoming guests; the Hazbin squad. Despite the constant running around, there was a upbeat mood amongst the staff. Well, most of them.

Rasheed: Ugh!

Rasheed looked at his clipboard containing the preparation plans.

Rasheed: How do you keep messing up the meat!

The cooks as he looked over the banquet, which was enough to feed only the royal family and the kids.

Rasheed: The emperor said that we needed more than this to keep those beasts happy! There's barely enough meat on there for these freaks of nature!

Cook: But, sir, it's unlikely they'd be in the palace full-sized.

Rasheed: Do you know what happens if they do show up in those forms? They won't have anything to eat, they get mad, the Emperor will have to make a sacrifice to keep them happy, and he'll blame me and offer me up on a silver platter!

Cook: Sir, I think you should calm-

Rasheed: How 'bout you do your jobs and I won't report this failure to the Emperor!

"Rasheed, that is enough."

Turning around, the advisor saw the two princesses approaching him, Zahrah having a crossed expression on her face.

Rasheed: Your Highnesses.

Rasheed bowed to the two princesses.

Zahrah: Leave the cooks alone, Rasheed. The feast they made is plenty for our guests.

Rasheed: Princess Zahrah, your father told me to check on the preparations. And on that list of preparations is a feast fit for a king.

Meena: I think that's enough food for everyone, including whatever dinosaurs they bring. They told me the only other one they're bringing is Delta, anyway.

Rasheed: Delta?

Rasheed then remembered which dinosaur she was referring to.

Okay adhere: Oh, right. The one that terrorized the Ganges not too long ago, and wrecked the palace yards. That took forever to fix.

Meena: Father doesn't hold a grudge against Delta, and neither should you. He helped save me from the Alpha Gang.

Remembering the Emperor's pardon on Delta, mainly since everything the Deltadromeus destroyed was repaired even before Spectre stepped in by the visor, Rasheed gave a forced smile.

Rasheed: Ah, yes, right. He and that...other one kept our darling little Meena safe from harm.

Meena: Terry. His name is Terry.

Rasheed: Right. Anyway, I'm sure you ladies are busy getting yourselves prepared for their arrival, so I'll not keep you distracted.

At that remark, Rasheed took his leave.

Once he was out of their earshot, the advisor banged his head on a pillar.

Sheer: Damn brats. Not even teenagers and they already drive me up the wall. Why, if I was Emperor, those two wouldn't be treating me with such disrespect. But I need that fat jerk out of the picture if that's to happen.

"So why don't you make that happen?"

Thinking it was the king, Rasheed began to panic.

Sheer: Who's there?! Show yourself!

"Just call me striker"

He looks to see the imp right in front of him

He looks to see the imp right in front of him

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Hazbin hotel: dinosaur kingWhere stories live. Discover now