Chapter 1

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Dream POV{

I runed away from there,leaving the smp,I was running,well I wasn't running I was flying to my secret castel that I have here in this word.It's like a copy of my castel from end.After two days I finally got there,"welcome home our queen"the maids greeted me"hello to you two too"I said running to my bedroom and into the bathroom,grabbing a pregnancy test.
After I did the test I was waiting for the results.......,' please don't tell me im pregnant.......'I though,after 2 minutes I opened my eyes to find a positive test.....I started crying.........I don't wanna kill the baby(s?).........guess that im keeping them/him/her,I promise that I'll love them very much..I need to tell ranboo.

   Dream whispered to Ranboo<-Darling,can you come to me for a second,please.

Ranboo whispered to you<-sure mama,I'll come.

I waited for a bit until ranboo came
"Hey mama!!"I heard my son say"hello my little enderling!(I think I spelled it wrong)"i said"so what did you need mama?"he asked me"w-well........i-im....p-pregnant..."I said not wanting to think what he will say"your what?!,Im so happy for you
mama!!"I heard him say very happy"r-really...?!"i said"why wouldn't I be happy?,anyways who is the father?"he asked me"Fathers"I said"two?!,are papa wilby and dada techno the fathers???"he asked again"y-yeah they are..."I responded"omg!!Im so fricking happy!!how many months do you need to wait till you give birth mama??"he asked again..."five months"I respond"YEYYYYYY"he is very exciting.

Five months later(he didn't give birth yet)

Wilbur POV

Everyone on the smp have been very suspicious about ranboo,he always goes out and after a day or another returns,right now he is going somewhere and we dicide(srry for my bad english) to follow him.He was heading towards a valley of flowers,as we got there we hide in some bushes,then when we looked towards ranboo we saw d-dream.....we all got up and headed there and we saw dream more clearly,he is wearing a dress,I heat up"well hello again dream"I heard Quaklity say as dream looked at us whit widen eyes"well hello to you too guys"they said"ranboo why are you whit this crimina!"tubbo ,his husband said"well frist-they are not a criminal
second-they are my mama and if I want to stay whit them then I stay"as he said that all of our eyes widened"what do you mean he is your mama?"tubbo said"it's they,and he give birth to me so they are my mama"ranboo said,wait that does means that dream is married?,I looked at techno,and he was mad that dream was taken"if you don't need anything else please leave"dream said"oh and ranboo there coming in a few days"what was dream talking about?,maybe 'they' are his husband?I hope not,..."yey I can't wait to meet them"ranboo said he was verry happy,until Quaklity trow an arow at them amd it hit a bit of dream stomach as he screamed in pain"MAMA"ranboo screamed then a gir apared"mama are you okey?"she said as dream keeped screaming,I started going towards them"don't come here"the girl said"elly go and  call the doctors,hurry"ran said as he dispared then an enderman apared"your majesty?!come one we need to go now"she said whil disparing whit dream,why did she called dream his majesty?"big brother will mama and they will be okey"elly said"I don't know elly,let's hope they are all aright"ranboo said,im very confused right now and I thin the others too"hey ranboo can you tell us what is going on"I saod hoping he would answer"fine,just be quit elly is sleeping"he said"okey ao ask away p-wilbur"he said but what he wanted to say?"so why the enderman called dream there majesty?"I asked"Because mama is the queen of the end"he said"what?!"we all screamed"got anymore questions?"ranboo said"yeah,why did dream screamed that much when he got hit,and why are they wearing a dress?"I asked still surprised from the answer before"well mama likes to wear dresses and skirts,and mama screamed that much bc they are...."he said"they are what?"techno said"mama is pregnant and their due was till next week or in some days...."
He said,what he is pregnant?whit who child?....."he is pregnant?!"we all screamed"yeah"he answered"wait is the child father the same as you ran?"tubbo said" fathers,I have two fathers and yes we have the same papa and dad"ran said "now got anymore questions or no?"he said "I only got one"me and techno said"who are your fathers"I asked,as he started laughing,"oh my god,I cant breath"he saod still laughing"what why are you laughing?"I asked confused as he stoped laughing"do you really want to know who the fathers are?"he said"yeah"techbur said surprisingly"well I thinked you two already figured it out ,papa wilby and dada techno"as he said that we were more surprised"WHAT?"we all say"what got a problem?"he said looking whit a death stare"no were just confused why didn't dream tell us that your our child and now we know they are pregrant whit our child,but me and techno are very happy" I said the others but techno still processeing what just happened"first child's,and mama was scared what would you two think that they can give birth" "well were not mad but more happy and a bit worried for what just happened"I responded immediately and techno noded"well now we wait till the nurse comes back and tells us the news"ranboo said



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What a beautiful image(I taked this foto)
Byeee have a great day/noon/night/morning


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