Plan B

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Joe awoke the next morning feeling more ready then ever, gripping his silk sheets with anticipation. He knew his time had come, this was it. This was the moment everyone would know his name for something more than just a stupid side piece in the Trump 2020 scheme. He would finally get his place, his big role on the stage.

He hurriedly walked to his wardrobe and picked what he thought best suited Trump's tastes. He got a hot pink blazer, with a neon brown dress shirt to go underneath. He put on some bright yellow khaki shorts, and made sure to put extra precision in to assembling his limited edition 15 inch platform boots. Full black baddy coochie pop slay mode. he added some extra accessories here and there, and tousled up his hair a bit, after putting in copious amounts of gel.

He was ready, but was Trump? He lowly snickered to himself. Oh boy, if he only knew what was coming. He was bringing a new definition to sexy today, and the harsh clink and effortless walk in his skyscraper boots only served more to prove it.

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