🌸Chapter Six 🌸

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A/N: Hey! It's been a while. I haven't updated, mainly because I had a writer's block and was stuck. But I've decided to update this more frequently. Also, you'll notice events here are slightly different from the prologue on the latter part. I wanted this to be further details on what happened prior and maybe a snippet after, but I'll edit this all afterwards after I've finished. Thank you for your patience and I hope y'all enjoy xx.


Tick. Tock.

Mei was staring at the clock anxiously. No one in the class noticed her fidgeting figure, her eyes constantly darting back to the two hands on the wall clock. Unlike her sorry state, everyone seemed to be buzzing with excitement, staring at the time in anticipation for an entirely different reason. School was about to end. Summer was right around the corner, the air bringing about a new wave of heat that left them excited for their vacation. Who was going to the beach? That was their main discussion.

Their teacher had all but ignored them. As long as nobody caused too much ruckus no one was reprimanded. Everything had finished a week earlier, so there wasn't much to do except wait for it's official end.

In her head this scene looked all too cliche. But this was what she wanted. Right?

Anytime now. Her foot was tapping on the floor impatiently. It was too loud.

Countless thoughts ran through her mind. What if she wanted to back out? What would happen to Rui? He'd be left alone in the dust, confused and possibly hurt of being left in the middle like this. What if Rui had backed out and he didn't tell her? Then she'd be the one to face all the brunt of the humiliation of being ghosted. Of course, no one would know but her, so she didn't mind.

She wouldn't blame him if he decided to bail halfway, after all everything that has happened recently felt like a fever dream. She still couldn't believe she managed to (pretend) ask out the cute boy who lived next door who also happened to be one of the popular guys in her school, for a stupid book idea she has. What was more bizarre was that he agreed to it. A normal person might have politely rejected her offer. Worse, chalk her up as the weird girl and never speak to her again because of it.

It seemed they were both a little strange, a little wonky in the head. That thought comforted her as she stared at the clock with a new determination.

Five. It was five o clock.

The loud thudding of shoes against the cement were heard as students in droves exited out of the room, cheers and screams of joy echoed on the painted walls as a new day of freedom had just begun.

Mei took a deep breath. Showtime.

She took her time, standing up from her seat and gathering her things, sweat staining her palms. She watched as her classmates hurried out of the room while she gathered her things and went outside.

Like they planned he was outside. Waiting for her.

Hallway. That would be where their confession would happen. Inconspicuous enough that it wouldn't cause a massive chaos if it were in the middle of school grounds, but just enough to catch the attention of others.

She stared into his dark pools, and saw no ripple on them. He was still his cool, usual self. This reassured her. Slowly, he walked towards her, as a crowd formed around them acting as a barrier for the show they were putting on display.

He smirked.

"Mei." She took a deep breath.




"I still can't believe we did that." Her mouth was dry and her heart was pounding hard against her ribcage...mainly because they were running, and not because of their confession.

"That was fun," Rui laughed, swinging his bag beside him. "I never thought I'd do that."

"And never again," Mei replied, her voice shaking but she was smiling.

"Only with you huh?"


"I deserved that Oscar."

"You did," Mei wheezed, trying to catch her breath. She wasn't built for physical activities. Almost made me fall for it too.

Rui sighed after the high had left his body and what was left was a feeling of satisfaction.

"So, what now?"

"Eh? Oh, I'll figure something out. Look, my hands are still shaking." She raises her trembling hands to Rui's face. He chuckled.

He raised one of his hands-even that was handsome-and his long, tapered fingers wrapped around hers. Bringing it down, he continued to hold her as they walked along the busy street.

"There. Feel better?" She was blinded by his smile.

"Oh? Y-yeah. Thanks." Damn, gorgeous people really have it all.

She didn't know what to feel. There was a mix of emotions bubbling up inside of her but what she did know was this...felt nice.

She was touch deprived. She knew she shouldn't be down this bad for another person holding her hand, but she couldn't help it. She lacked affection for a majority of her life.

Maybe that was what it was. Affection. Needing that to be felt and her entire being validated by somebody else. Rui was that person, the one who could give her that affection, even though it was all fake. Still, it would be close.

Yes it was simply just that.

As she held his hand longer, she noticed his palms were unnaturally cold, clammy. It had been for some time, probably while they were at school. She looked up at him and noticed her stare, he looked down at her.

"What is it?" She beamed at him and giggled.

"Nothing. You're just cute." He looked away.

"Tsk. What was that for?"

"Impulse. This could be a cute scene that I can write in the book."

"Really? Then write it down, I wanna read it."


They didn't talk for the rest of their walk, letting the crowded street and warm lamplights soak them in their glow. The city had a different feel to it at twilight.

They were quiet. Thinking, pondering for what was going to happen next. No one really plans for the aftermath of a huge show. Or maybe it was just their naiveté and lack of experience.

Who knows. For now, they were together, and they were walking home. Going home on time was their goal, and they had the whole summer vacation to think it over. Life was good.

Her hands calmed down, and their palms warmed by their shared heat.

She realized they were both fools.

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