🌸Chapter Eight 🌸

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Author's Note: Hello. It's been a while. I promised to upload once a week, but school got busy so I've skipped two hehehe owo. Here's an extra long chapter for the absence. Also, megaloveshotout to klei185 for editing this and the last chapter <3

How did people date? It was a genuine question.

How do couples agree to date? How do you look at another person in the eyes and say 'Ah yes, my mate. Let's date.'  How does that work?

What do couples do when they date? What happens after the kiss? Do they just stop and move on with their lives? How do you even meet someone with the intention to date?

These thoughts have been plaguing Mei's mind the entire morning as she thought about the "date" with Rui. After the euphoric high she was just left with a sense of dread and a state of confusion on how they were going to work this out. It's even more complex since they weren't a real couple. She was going out on a date while simultaneously not at the same time, since they weren't a real item. She couldn't believe this was happening.

So, what were their boundaries? Should they have boundaries? This all felt absurd to her. Why is she even considering this when they're just fake dating? Should she? They've basically been playing real life Sims with the bizarre turn of events their summer has taken based on their reckless decisions. How did this even start again?

Oh yeah, pretty pink skirt.

The clock was moving its fingers and Mei still hadn't found the answers to life's most profound questions. She decided to bury it for now, and just enjoy the time she'll spend being outside. The weather was perfect for going outdoors and she's already convinced they live in a simulation.

She didn't have a lot of dresses in her wardrobe but she found herself a nice vest and her mom's second hand jeans. Layering it with a cozy sweater, she contemplated on her jewelry before deciding to go with silver and hurried out the door. She was late.

By the time she reached the playgrounds, Rui was already there, hanging out by the swing. While she was busy catching her breath, he'd approach her.

His style was more minimalistic, opting for a stylish black sweater and loose pants. It was very much unlike the pop of colors she'd seen through his window. He also wore rings and a necklace made of silver. They matched.

"Hey, we match," he said with a crooked grin, touching her necklace gently, echoing her thoughts. She smiled, or she hoped she did, exhausted after sprinting all the way here.

"Thanks," she gasped before clearing her throat, embarrassed by her lack of any physical endurance. She should have spent at least a couple minutes doing a few exercises during the past summers.

"Shall we go?" Walking ahead of her, Rui paused a couple steps, noticing that she hadn't followed him. She was still standing by the swings, looking at his figure with an emotion that even she couldn't even decipher. He smiled helplessly, walking back to hold her cold hand in his warm ones.

"Let's have fun. It's our first date after all isn't it?"

"I-I guess so," she stuttered, her ears burning which were hidden behind her hair.

Her hand still in his, they began their trek towards the park where it was already filled with people at this hour. She prayed she wouldn't bump into anyone from school.

They walked around aimlessly for a while, not sure where to go or what to do. It was a peaceful silence amidst the external chaos. Both of them were too busy with their own thoughts to notice their lack of noise. Mostly it revolved around the person they were stuck next to.

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