[1] A whole new world~

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Warning: Crowley being an oblivious asshole, Grim being Grim


I felt a rumbling shaking me awake making me open my eyes. I was met with blackness making me panic.

"What the hell?" I muttered as I shifted around, feeling I was in a cramped box. The box rumbled more as I could hear some high-pitched voice talking outside of it. Before I could call out for help, whatever was outside set the thing on fire.

I screamed as blue flames seeped through the cracks of the lid and lit my tiny box. That's when I realized I had nowhere to run so I did the next logical thing. I kicked open the lid. It made a loud thud noise as it fell to the ground, along with me tumbling after it.

I felt my body fall from a great distance before face-planting onto the ground. Pain shot through my body making me groan. I slowly sat up feeling my head spin from the thrashing.

"WHAT!? You ain't supposed to be awake." someone yelled at me as I looked up. I was met with a strange-looking cat. His fur is grey with a white patch on his chest and pink paw pads, and he has electric blue flames blazing from his ears. I gasped at the slight as his blue eyes stared at me.

"A cat?" I muttered staring at the feline.

"The name's Grim! Now gimme your uniform, and be quick about it! Or you'll regret it!" he yelled at me and pounced. For a talking cat, this thing was surprisingly strong as it tried to tear me out of the ceremonial robes.

"Yeah, no! Now get off!" I grunted as I grabbed the thing named Grim by its tail and tossed him across the room. Now that I look at it, the room I was in was strange. There were floating coffins everywhere and that wasn't helping the already creepy ambiance.

"I've seen horror movies, fuck this shit," I said standing up and sprinting out of the creepy room. I was met with long hallways on both sides of me. I took a moment to wonder what happened and where I was but that was quickly cut off as a fireball flew passed my head.

"Come back here human!" Grim yelled recovering from my toss and giving chase. I only gave a quick thought to which way I was supposed to go before quickly sprinting down one of the halls. I looked down at my feet and saw long flowing robes complicatedly embroidered along with black pants underneath. 

At least I wasn't in a full dress, which made it easy to run. Though these fucking stilettos of shoes didn't help either!

Now that I think about it, I don't recognize anything but myself. I couldn't even remember the last few days. I thought tomorrow was supposed to be my first day of school. I even remember getting my uniform ready the night of, but after I fell asleep that night. Everything is a blur after that.

I heard another ball of fire pass by my head making me realize this isn't the time for thinking, it's the time for running!


"Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME?" Grim yelled at me as I got cornered in a library.

"Damn," I muttered turning towards the strange cat.

"Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that-" Grim was cut off as I watched a figure appear behind him, giving a hard hit on his head.

"Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?" Grim groaned in pain as the figure grabbed the cat by the scruff of his neck.

"Consider it tough love." A man dressed as a crow scoffed at the cat. The man in front of me looked strangely familiar but I couldn't place him. I continued to stare as he turned to me.

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