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"Come on (Name)! We'll be late at this rate!" I heard one of my friends call from outside as I rushed to grab all of my things. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth as I made sure my uniform looked good. I pulled my school bag over my shoulder checking I had all of my things for the first day as I made my way downstairs.

"Hey, I'm gonna take your cap and hoodie!" I yelled to my brother grabbing his things only hearing him grumble about me always taking his shit. I pulled the large hoodie over my uniform and gathered my hair so it sat nicely out of the way under the baseball hat.

"K! I'm leaving now! Remember to bring the trash bins back from the road!" I yelled to no one in particular in the house as I opened the door.

"Have a good day sweety!" I heard my father call to me as I walked out of the door. I turned toward my friend as the huffed at me.

"You're gonna make us late, you know!" They complained making me chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah! Let's get going before all your complaining gets us late!" I laughed as I started to run down the street and towards the school.

"Oh! We're racing now! Prepare to eat my dust!" My friend yelled breaking into a sprint and quickly overtaking me. I cursed remembering they were on track as I watched their body disappear behind a turn.

I kept running feeling my body quickly grow tired with the sudden exercise. I turned the corner my friend turned expecting to see them standing there to laugh at how slow I was. But was only met with an empty street.

I paused stopping in my tracks, there should be students filling the streets to go to school. I slowly made my way down the street trying to find a reason for the street being so empty. This street was one of the main ones so it didn't make sense to not even see a car.

I continued walking with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. The whole street was eerily silent so every other sound was so much louder. I couldn't help but start counting my steps while I listened to the satisfying sound my shoes made against the concrete.

I jumped hearing a crow cawing that made me stop walking. I looked around seeing a bunch of crows just perching on the fences, street lights, houses, and cawing at me. I looked up seeing even more crows circling me like hungry vultures.

"Aren't crows a symbol of death and doom?" I muttered to myself as I looked around at all of the blackbirds surrounding me. I shuddered as their black unfeeling eyes all seemed to stare at me and only me.

"Well if they are, I'm already dead." I laughed nervously and started to walk again. I jumped in my skin as all of the crows started to caw and flutter their wings.

"What the hell is wrong with them?!" I pulled my bag closer to my chest. The sound of crow's cawing filled my ears so much it made my head spin.

I snapped out of my daze as I heard horses neigh right next to me. I turned as two horses as black as night rose and stomped to the ground. My legs gave out making me drop to my knees as I stared at the beast in front of me.

"Horses?! Here?!" I yelled seeing a medieval-looking hearse attached to the two stallions. I felt my brain try to rationalize my situation. Are there Amish in the area? No that isn't possible, I've never seen one in the area before. Is it Halloween and I've been asleep for the past couple of months? No not possible, I'd be dead.

I shook my head and stood back to my feet. This didn't matter anyway, not like it has anything to do with me. I started to walk again only stopping as I heard the door of the hearse swing open.

I felt an urge to run away as all of the hair on the back of my neck stood. I listened as the clacking of heels and a cane descended the hearse steps.

"Finally..." I shiver ran up my spine at the silky voice. I turned around being met with a strange man. He had pointed ears and short, wavy black hair. His face was covered with a half-mask resembling a raven's beak.

He was dressed in a fancy suit along with a weird-looking overcoat. Thick blackbird feathers curl out from its blue-collar, while the tips of the coat are cut to resemble two bird wings.

Black gloves wrapped around his key-shaped cane with a raven as its handle. On his hands were golden claw rings over each of his fingers. They taped against the metal of the cane as the man briskly stepped toward me.

"I've found you!" He exclaimed excitedly throwing his hands up in a grandiose gesture. Now that I got a closer look at the man, he was decorated with numerous shiny objects. A lot of them didn't make sense, like all of the mirrors and keys attached to his hip and hat.

On second thought, this whole man didn't make sense. His appearance, his words, and his hearse. None of it seemed of this world. This man was bad news.

The man looked at me for a moment before tilting his head in curiosity.

"Hello?" the man waved his hand in front of my face, making me realize how close he was.

"I'm sorry you must be mistaken, goodbye," I said and turned on my heels. I quickly started to walk away hearing the man fallow after.

"Wait a moment, sir!" the man said as I started to walk faster, annoyed at his choice of words towards me. I mean, I don't look that boyish!

"I think you're the mistaken one. You're the newest student at Night Raven College! I'm here to personally deliver you there! How kind of me, I know." he started to stroke his ego and that's when I felt all of those unnerving feelings he gave me turn to annoyance.

So I ran away from this creep, but I didn't get far. For a weird creep, he was certainly fast because I only got a few meters away before I saw his golden claws cloud my view.

"Now now, no need to be nervous. First-day jitters are no reason to run away." The man spoke as he towered over me. I shivered feeling his clawed hands wrap around my frame.

"I already told you, your mistakeeeennn-" I felt my words slur as a strange glow animated from his hand.

"We're already late as it is! No more dilly-dallying." his words seemed to stick in my head as I suddenly fell into unconsciousness


I sighed and lifted the newest student into my arms. I held them carefully as I walked back over to my carriage.

"Such ungrateful brats. Look at me, being so kind and coming to greet him personally! But no, he refuses and tries to run away." I huffed opening the glass doors. I stepped into the carriage and slowly removed the heavy lid of the coffin.

With a thud, the lid fell to the side as I placed our newest student into the flower-filled coffin. He lay there peacefully as I stared at them. Something about their appearance felt off in a way.

"Oh right! The uniform!" I quickly waved my hand over his unconscious body watching their old boring school transform into our beautiful ceremonial robes. I'd have his clothes delivered to his dorm after the mirror decided it.

I backed up staring at the man in the coffin, the flowers that surrounded him made him strangely more beautiful. Almost like he was a girl. I chuckled, that was impossible. The dark mirror would never pick a female to attend our all-boys school. That be outrageous.

I quickly grabbed onto the lid of the coffin and placed it back. I smiled as the magic sealed the gate shut and put the student to sleep until he was ready to come out, like an egg!

I chuckled to myself stepping to the ground. I closed the glass doors to the carriage and turned only to stop feeling something warm sparkly in my chest. I paused and touched the area, it didn't feel warm nor could I sense any magic near.

"No matter." I sighed and hopped into the front.


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