The fuck do you want from me?

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I snarled. I didn't want to associate myself with a fucking child. So I did a smart thing for the first time in years:

I ignored him.

I ignored him and went through other texts in hopes to get dick or pussy from someone else. I found some usuals and newbies and arranged dates with them. After I finished with that, I got another notification.

I already knew who it was so I ignored it and texted my dealer to restock my weed supply.

I walked out my room and left the house to go to the local park. It was pretty late and my parents were still awake but they didn't seem to give a single fuck about their child.

As I waited with a slushee in hand, I smoked a cigarette to try and warm up. The smoke and my cold breath made cool designs in the cold air. It felt like I was waiting for years. The breeze seemingly scratching and biting at my exposed skin, leaving it pink. My cheeks and nose were a big victim of the night weather. I huffed into my hands to try and warm them up but my attempts failed. I took a long, hard, sip from my slushee. I shivered and looked around.

When will this asshole decide to show up?

As if I summoned the dickwad, he appeared.

"Heyy, MJ! Sorry for being late, I was fucking this chick when you texted me so I had to finish quick but she-"

"Bitch, does it look like I give a shit?" I snarled at him, "hand over my damn weed, fuckface."

He put up his hands in defense, "damn bitch, who shit in your cereal this morning? Here, have your medication you whore." He threw me a bag of weed.

"A whore that can show you a better time than that blonde haired 95% plastic hoe." I caught it and stuffed it in my pocket.

"Yeah, yeah. To see is to believe," he reached his hand out, "pay me, slut."

I took out my dad's money and handed it to him, "fuck off, I would kill you in a second if you weren't my drug dealer." I flipped him off and began to walk away.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that, sweetheart." He laughed like a moron and turned around to leave as well.

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