I'm an uncle?

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Atsumu listened to Kuroo carefully, grasping every word and details of how you broke out the news to your parents. He felt anger? regret? but at the same time glad that you didn't loose your parents.

It was around 1 pm and Kuroo suddenly realised that it's time that he dropped Kai back home.

Kuroo saw multiple missed calls from you which he didn't even hear due to all the playing around with Kai and the other two guys. "Oh shit! y/n's gonna kill me i'm late! Kenma get Kai please!" Kuroo started packing Kai's things into his little backpack.

Atsumu wanted to hold Kai once more before he left so he said, "Kenma can I get him?"

Kenma hesitated at first but then said okay and he helped Kuroo to pack Kai's things.

Atsumu went upstairs to where Kai was sleeping and his heart warmed on seeing his little baby boy sleeping so comfortably surrounded by pillows. He felt sad to wake him up seeing how peacefully he was sleeping. He gently picked him up and quietly went down the stairs but stopped midway on hearing your voice from downstairs.

"Where is my child Kuroo?" You shouted at Kuroo seeing only Kenma in the living room and no sign of your little Kai.

"Y-y/n.... h-he's sleeping upstairs ill go get him now don't worry" Kuroo panicked and was about to head upstairs when Atsumu came down holding Kai in his arms.

Both Kuroo and Kenma froze thinking you'll murder both of them for not telling you about Atsumu, but to everyone's surprise you didn't yell nor beat 'em up. You sighed in relief seeing your child and went towards Atsumu to pick Kai up and said, "Thanks".

Atsumu wanted to tell you he wanted to come back, hold Kai, be with you guys but he didn't move an inch nor he said anything. He just watched you holding Kai and you were about to leave when Kenma stopped you, "y/n! we need to fix some things here" he eyed Atsumu.

"There's nothing to fix Kenma, me and my child are perfectly fine the way we are now. And next time tell me the truth before bringing anyone to meet Kai" you said with a straight face and left.

Kuroo, Kenma and Atsumu came behind you and Kuroo said, "He's not just someone y/n. He's Kai's father" thinking you might consider talking things out with him.

"No" you said. "He doesn't need anyone besides me. Just stop it whatever you guys are thinking."

"Y-y/n...." Atsumu spoke this time. "please just hear me out"

"Didn't we end whatever we had between us Atsumu? what makes you think that ill be willing to hear anything from someone who is not there in the picture?"your face was blank which made Atsumu hurt even more.

'How can she say such things with no emotion? did I make her like this?' Atsumu felt something stabbing his chest over and over again.

"But you have to hear him out y/n" Kuroo said.

You sighed and said, "fine. You can say anything you want but nothing's gonna change my decision, you 3 come to my house tomorrow for lunch." With that you left with Kai in your car.

"Well atleast we can try right?" Kenma said and patted Atsumu's shoulders.

"I'll come pick you guy tomorrow" Kuroo said and both Kuroo and Atsumu left Kenma's.




During his drive back to his apartment all Atsumu could think of was his moments with Kai and how much he was like you. He couldn't wait to meet you guys again tomorrow even though you were ice cold towards him.

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