To the beach

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You woke up from a call by Kuroo, you checked the time and it was 8 in the morning. 'No one let's me sleep till 10am atleast' you thought and picked up the call.

"Yes Kuroo?"

"Morning y/n! what's today's plan?"

"Uh... today im thinking of... wait, you indecent prick! you sent Atsumu yesterday instead of coming yourself? I swear to god Kuroo i'll fucking murder you when I see you again! "

"wait wait hear me out! I got caught up in work and I didn't want you to eat without the orange juice I promised so I sent Atsumu who was free!"

"That's the best you can come up with?"

"Heh... but did you guys have fun?"

"well Kai did, but I don't want that to happen anymore"

"why not y/n? you think he'll leave again?"  that question caught you off guard, you saw Kai still sleeping so you got up and went to the kitchen after placing pillows around him.

"we are not together because things didn't work out between us, why don't you get it?"

"well that's what you think right?"

"that's what we both thought and decided to go seperate ways" you said as you made chocomilk for Kai and started toasting some bread.

"that's in the past y/n. Think of Kai, doesn't he need a father?"

"he have me and we are completely fine."

"you know you don't mean that "

"then i'll date somebody new" you said and headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

"you serious?"

"yeah why not? i'll have some spare time after my internship, so i'll give it a try I guess" you said as you brushed.

"a-ah, w-well I don't know what to say"

"I don't want you to say anything about this so don't worry about it"

"why date a new person if Kai's father is back?"

"you know it's not just about Kai right? do you even hear yourself Kuroo? you think i'll date someone just because Kai needs a dad? am I not even in the picture?" you scoffed.

"that's true but, don't you love Atsumu?"



"you heard me"

"that is clearly not what I expected"

"good, don't you have work?"

"yeah I do, I just wanted to check on you two."

"I went shopping with Kai after the picnic and he was making a huge fuss of wanting to meet Atsumu again"

"O-oh... do you plan to tell Kai that Atsumu is his dad?"


"wow, why not?"

"what difference does it make?"

"a whole lot, just open up your mind a bit and think about your feelings y/n."

"I meant whatever I said before, so drop it Kuroo"

"I see no point in arguing with you"

"right, so go to work, Kai is up, bye"

I wish... [Miya Atsumu x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now