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Atsumu called you to say that they are on their way home and you said you'll be right behind them. You had given Atsumu a spare key in case you were late and so he didn't have to wait outside.

He parked his car and gently took his baby in his arms. He carefully opened the door with Kai in his arms and got inside. He went to your room and placed Kai in the bed with pillows around him.

He was tired and he washed up in your bathroom. He heard the door open and quickly went to see you coming inside in your uniform.

"Hey" he said smiling at you.

"Hey, I didn't change thinking you might be busy" you said putting your slippers.

"No im not don't worry" he said looking at you.

"Kai? asleep?" you looked around to see no trace of your son.

"Yeah we played volleyball and he was having too much fun with 'Samu" he smiled.

"Oh? Osamu was there?" you were curious as to what happened today.

"Yeah I- I had morning practice so 'Samu covered for me for few hours. Don't worry, it wasn't anything" he said a bit nervously.

"Ah I see, it's fine, im glad Kai had fun. He... hates hospitals and I can't always bother Kuroo and Kenma" you said looking down.

"You can always call me Y/n, and 'Samu ofcourse, don't hesitate." Atsumu said while you smiled genuinely at him causing him to blush.

"Thanks for today Atsumu, are you tired?" you said heading to kitchen still in your uniform.

"A bit yes, its fine" he said watching your actions.

"I'll make coffee" you went to take milk from the fridge.

"I'll make it, you go and change" he said taking the milk from your hands.

You agreed hesitantly and went to your room to see Kai sleeping peacefully making you smile.

You took a quick shower and put some sweats and crop top.

Kissing your baby boy on his forehead you went to the living room smelling coffee and saw Atsumu by the dining with two cups.

"Here..." he gave you one and took one for himself.

"Thanks" you said sitting in front of him sipping the coffee smiling at its taste.

Atsumu watched you and thought of the times when he used to make hot chocolate for you both late at nights when you had too much to study.

There was a comforting silence around you two and you enjoyed the warm coffee inside you.

"Y/n...?" he looked at you and you mindlessly said, "yeah?" with your eyes still closed.

"Do you... really have to go?" his voice cracked a bit and that's when you looked at him. His eyes showed pain which made you feel hurt too.

Yes you love him, you just couldn't bring yourself to hate the one person whom you wanted to spend your life with. He was your everything, but the thing is... can it still be the same? Its just not you two, there is Kai who doesn't know about Atsumu's real relationship with you and him.

You were thinking all kinds of thoughts while looking at Atsumu and he said holding your left palm ,"y/n...? can't we go back to how we were?"

"..." what should you reply? can you? do you even want to? will he leave again? what about Kai? Your parents? they still doesn't know about anything that has happened so far.

"Y/n, I- "

"No don't... please" you didn't feel the tears falling out from your eyes.

Atsumu felt his heart break seeing you in tears. The tears he didn't even see when you broke up. He tightened his grip on your hand fighting his urge to hug you tightly.

"I don't know what to do anymore 'Tsumu I-" Your voice cracked and he stood up not able to bear the sight of you.

Just as he was about to come to you Kai opened the door calling out to you.

"Mommy?" he said coming out of the room which made you wipe your tears quickly and Atsumu wiped his own.

"Hey baby? did you have fun today?" you smiled at your little one scooping him on your arms.

"Yes mommy, uncle 'Samu is cool" he said hugging you.

"Cooler than Atsu?" Atsumu said with a small pout which made the little guy to notice the presence of another guy.

"Atsu you're here!" he said jumping out of your arms and hugging Atsumu's legs.

"Hey there buddy" Atsumu picked his baby boy and Kai said, "Your cool too Atsu" and he gave a small kiss on his cheeks which made Atsumu blush and you smiled at the sight.

"Let me get you some milk." You said getting up while both the boys went to the living room to watch some tv.




Atsumu left pretty late to his apartment after having dinner with you and his baby boy. He was beyond happy to spend the entire day with the two people he loves.

He saw Hinata, Bokuto and Sakusa waiting for him in his room and he smiled at them happily.

"Oh hey guys" he said taking off his shoes.

"Did something happen? you look really happy" Bokuto asked him with a huge grin.

The other two looked curiously at him expecting some good news.

"Eh? well I was with Kai and y/n..." Atsumu said blushing.

"I want to play with little Kai too!!!" Bokuto whined making Atsumu chuckle.

"Well i'll make sure to bring him around sometime then" with that they spent the rest of the night watching movie as practice was cancelled for tomorrow.

Meanwhile you were there unable to sleep due to your pending reports and your thoughts of how hurt Atsumu looked today evening.

Kai was sleeping peacefully and you looked at him thinking how would it be if Atsumu did come back to your life.

"You really like your Atsu huh?" you said stroking your baby's hair and sighed.

I wish... [Miya Atsumu x female reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن