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It was just you, Atsumu and Kai. Even it was awkward you couldn't deny that you missed him. Wait what? you looked at Atsumu playing with your kid and smiled at your thought. 

Heading to the kitchen with your mind on Atsumu, you decided to make his favorite curry. Why? you thought. No don't think too much, he has been here for you and Kai so consider it as a thank you.

You felt like a cheesy highschooler trying to impress her boyfriend with his favorite food but yeah nevermind.

Atsumu looked at you chopping vegetables and said to Kai who was now busy drawing something on a paper, "Hey buddy, lemme help your mom with the food ok?" to which Kai nodded without looking up and Atsumu ruffled his hair as he got up.

He came near you and said, "um... rice?" and you looked at him and said, "yeah top shelf" and resumed with the vegetables.

Atsumu cooked rice and helped with the dishes while you made the curry. After around half an hour, everything was set and you both set the table.

There was no words exchanged but just some comforting silence and you both had a small smile on your lips.

"Kai!" both you and Atsumu called out to your kid at the same time and looked at each other with slight pink cheeks.

You both saw Kai running towards the table and you picked him up and sat him on the chair. All of you started to dig in and you watched Atsumu's expression all the time. 

He always wears a smile on his lips when he eats his favorite food. Though he wanted to say its good and thank you for making his favorite dish he looked at you with gleaming eyes and you flashed a smile at him.

After a pleasing family lunch you were on your laptop working on the pending reports while Atsumu was with Kai watching something on tv until Kai fell asleep on his lap.

He gently took his little boy on his arms and walked towards you where you were sitting on the dining table working on something and you looked up too see Atsumu with Kai on his arms.

You got up nodding your head and opened the door to your room and Atsumu followed you quietly and placed Kai on the mattress while you placed few pillows around him.

You both got out from the room and headed to the hall. Atsumu called your name and you looked at him.

"Why do you wanna leave y/n?" he looked at you with sadness evident in his eyes. You didn't know how to say why or what to his question but to just stare at his face.

"Is it because of me?" he asked looking down.

"No, I... " you let out a frustrated sigh and said, "it was something i always wanted but i dropped it when we got together in college. But now..." you didn't wanna say the rest. Atsumu was hurt indeed and you didn't want to dig up more.

"But... why another country?" he whispered.

"You know I chose Tokyo instead of Tohoku for my internship because I couldn't bear to be alone in the place where all I could see was us. But not anymore. I was alone. I wanted to get away because it hurts. So much..." you said more like a whisper.

"Im sorry... I was... I-"

"Its ok Atsumu, its fine, im fine now" you cut him off with a small smile which made him frown a bit but didn't say anything.

"I-I gotta go, uhm... practice" he said and you nodded yes saying, "yeah ofcourse" and he left.



I wish... [Miya Atsumu x female reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora