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Dear Miss Dupain-Cheng,

Thank you for your interest in the internship position with Agreste INC.

After carefully reviewing your qualifications we have decided to purse other candidates who we feel more closely meet our needs at this time.

We appreciate your interest in our company, and the time it took to apply with us. Please feel free to apply for open positions with us in the future.

Again, thank you for considering us as a potential employer. We wish you luck in your career pursuit.


Natalie Sancoeur
Agreste INC.

No. I refused to believe it. I had put my all into getting that intern position. Countless hours of sleep had been lost, my motivation for doing pretty much anything was gone, all that had went through my mind for the past two weeks was worrying I hadn't got to start my career path.

And I had failed.

Rage bubbled up inside of me as I clenched my fists, I wanted to cry. This was it then. If I couldn't even get an internship job, I was never in a million years going to be able to work at Agreste INC.

"Marinette?" called dad snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked past clenched teeth, I was trying to focus on my breathing to calm myself but it wasn't working, which ultimately just made me more mad.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes" I replied bluntly, there was a long pause.

"Is this about your letter?" Came moms voice, I let out a long sigh "we can talk about it if you would like" I stayed silent "when you're ready sweetie." and with that I heard both of them leave.

My eyes wandered back over the letter. I recognised the name Natalie Sancoeur, she had to be some higher up at Agreste INC - though truthfully I had no clue. I took the letter in my hand and scrunched it up, throwing it right at my wall.

The letter had felt so passive aggressive. Sure, I knew it wasn't intended to sound that way, I just hadn't landed the job. It's that simple. But for some reason my wild imagination had led me to believe that those who made the decision were some evil dream crushers.

I was jolted out of my reverie as soon as my phone rang. It was Alya. could I just ignore her? No she'd know something was wrong, I had been excited and vowed to tell her the news right away however now I felt very reluctant to do so.

"Hey girl" came her voice, I bit down on my lip "did you get the job?"

"Uh, yeah about that" I began

"didn't you get it?" I went over and picked up the now crumpled letter and tossed it into the trashcan.

"I didn't" I replied after a while

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry girl, but you know these things happen. Wanna come over to mine so we can get her forgot about it and just have a girls night?" Sitting on my bed, I thought for a moment.

"I would like that very much"

"Great! My parents are out for the night and the twins are in bed by 8pm so be round mine at 8:30pm?" I raised an eyebrow

"It seems as though the twins are awake until midnight every time I visit your house."  I heard Alya yell something to someone in her house

"Sorry, yeah, no they're getting better at staying asleep... Hang on a second... Ella and Etta how many times do I have to... Oh my god" I heard some rustling before she came back "My apologies, the twins were trying to kill Hannibal"

"You know normal people have pet cats or dogs, maybe even a bunny, but no, not you -you have a pet tarantula" Alya let out a laugh

"Yeah I suppose it's pretty strange, but it's what you get when your dad works at a zoo... anyways we'll catch things up at 8:30 yeah?"

"yes see you then" I replied

"Bye Marinette" and with that she hung up.

Alya always managed cheered me up, it was like some kind of invisible superpower, I wouldn't be too surprised though, considering her obsession with superheroes. Ever since we met she'd always talked about these Ever since we met, she's always talked about these magical jewels called Miraculous that give you superpowers, I couldn't figure out how jewelry could just grant superpowers like that.

She told me that there were rumours that the miraculouses were in Paris. But I just had a hard time believing that. Why would ancient Chinese jewels be lying around here in Paris, it didn't make any sense, but I digress--

Having been calmed by her, I felt as if I was now able to discuss the letter with my parents.

When I eventually made my way down to the living room, dad was watching a sports game and mom was cleaning the kitchen. My heart was pounding heavily resulting in my stomach feeling queasy.

"Hello sweetheart", mom greeted me, flashing me a smile, "Are you ready to chat now?" I nodded slowly as we both walked over to dad, mom took the remote and turned off the game.

"Hey I was watching that!" mom rolled her eyes

"marinette wants to talk to us"

"Oh yes sorry of course"

I sat down next to dad and dug my nails into my palm. "I didn't get the job" I stated, there was silence for a few seconds "are you disappointed?" moms eyes widened

"No of course not! Job rejection is a reality. With so many people applying, I'm sure it's hard for them to choose someone. I shrugged at her.

"yeah but it still hurts" dad put an arm around me

"Rejection does hurt, but hey looks like you'll be working with us a little while longer eh! that's fun, working with your super cool parents" I rolled my eyes

"Oh yes, super cool" he smiled, " also by the way, I will be sleeping at Alyas tonight, so I thought I'd tell you, considering the last time I did that I didn't tell you and you both went insane."

"Oh god don't remind me" said mom pinching the bridge of her nose, dad made a face, "thank you for telling us this time"

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