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As soon as I stepped into Alya's house, I was caught in a whirlwind of chaos. The twins were running about like crazy with a water pistol in their hands. All the while, Alya simply sat on the sofa flicking through TV channels. 

"Oh hey girl!" Called Alya, I raised an eyebrow, slowly slipping my coat off and placing it on the back of a chair, that was until I was sprayed by one of the water pistols, Ellas eyes widened as she realised she had got me, I let out a laugh

"What happened to going to bed by 8pm?" I questioned, sitting right next to Alya 

"Ignoring them will result in them getting bored and going to sleep" 

"Ah okay" 

"Did you get the invite to Juleka and Roses wedding?" I gasped turning to face her, I hadn't had any idea they were even engaged yet. "I take that as a not yet"

"They're getting married?! since when?! how long until the wedding?" 

"It took me by surprise as well I--" A stuffed rabbit just managed to collide with Alyas face, she stared at the rabbit for a few seconds before there was giggling behind the sofa. "Thanks I'm going to keep Mr Fuzzy." She said

"Give it back!" Etta complained, Alya shook her head 

"Not unless you both go to bed" 

"I think we should sleep now" Etta began but I could see Ella was having none of it 

"Not my fault you threw your stupid bunny at her" replied Ella stomping her foot, I could see they were both very overtired

"Alya!" they both whined, Alya ran a hand down her face in frustration 

"go to bed and you can have it back, deal?" Etta nodded


"What about me?" asked Ella 

"you won't see snuggles for a full week" 

"why not?" she questioned, I was having war flashbacks to the times I had to babysit Manon. I could say the twins were more bearable than her however it still wasn't pleasant. 

"snuggles told me he doesn't like to spend time with misbehaving children" 

"He did not... but I will go to bed" She said, as she and Ella made their way towards their bedroom. 

"I'm so excited to get my own place, you have no idea" In times like these I was so glad to be an only child. People had always told me I had a gift for being able to get along with younger children but actually having a younger sibling... sounded like a living hell.

"Anyway, the wedding is in four and a half months, August 25th, I have no doubt that's enough time for you to make a dress... no pressure though" I shrugged, I hadn't been motivated these past weeks, most likely because of the anticipation of finding out if I had gotten to pursue my dreams or not. 

"I don't know, maybe if I find my motivation in a couple of weeks I'll start something" I admitted, Alya frowned 

"Yeah, don't worry if you can't. I just thought you would be thinking of designs already" 

"I just... I don't know. I just feel so disappointed that I didn't get the job." 

Alya put her arm around me, "Don't  dwell on it," she said. "It's still going to be a great day!" I nodded, eager to see what the brides would wear, probably something colorful knowing Rose. 

"Do you want something to drink?" Alya asked going over to the fridge

"a coke?" Alya nodded coming back with two cokes 

"Did you hear about the miraculous? I've been so invested in their whereabouts for years now however" she began, "a cat miraculous holder has been spotted here. right in Paris can you believe it??!" 

"wheres the proof?" I asked, Alya took out her phone and showed me a picture of what looked to be a tall man dressed in a leather cat suit, hardly something that you would expect someone to fight crime in considering the two cat ears that looked like they were actually attached to his head however it was incredibly difficult to tell considering how terrible the picture quality was.

"that's ridiculous, it's probably some hoax" Alya shrugged 

"could well be, however if the cat miraculous is in the open that means that the ladybug miraculous should be too, they go together, they don't work without the other" 

why were the two miraculouses a cat and ladybug? why not a cat and a dog, that would've made more sense. 

"I'm not buying it" I stated

"suit yourself girl, but when it turns out the cat man is a real superhero don't say I didn't tell you so" I rolled my eyes taking a sip from my coke can 

"And don't tell me I didn't tell you so when it turns out that Mr kitty cat is just a shadow and everyone was wrong" 

"I know it sounds crazy, but how cool would it be if Paris had their own superheros?!" 

"and supervillains? yeah I'll pass on that offer." 

"you just don't get it, the miraculouses are real. I've recently been researching the fox miraculous. I have no idea what power it holds however it comes in the form as a necklace, see?" she showed me another low quality picture, this time even worse than the one of cat man.

"Alya..." I jumped, forgetting that the twins were still here, Etta and Ella both looked scared.

"what's wrong?" Alya asked

"outside" Ella said pointing to the window, we both peered out, not seeing anything 

"uh, what is outside?" asked Alya, not even seconds after she asked a dark figure flew past the window, my eyes widened. 

it was the cat.

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