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"I'm Tikki the kwami of creation, you are the new Ladybug miraculous holder"

"You have the wrong person." When Luka said I was a hero I didn't think he meant literally... Maybe this was a dream where I become the Ladybug miraculous holder then fall love with the Mr kitty cat and then--

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng right?"

"this is all too much to take in, I can't be a superhero, I'm the clumsiest person i know, like today after literally saving someone's life I tripped and fell into another man."

"But you saved someone's life"

"That's not the point"

"Marinette pick up the box" I slowly did as the kwami told me not letting my eyes leave it, just in case I had accidentally released some shapeshifting demon into my bedroom. "Put the earrings on"

I looked down at them. I couldn't just put some random earrings on because a flying rat told me to, that's unsanitary. "Are they clean?" I found myself asking

"the miraculous are self cleaning" I raised an eyebrow

"Self cleaning? I need some of that for my other jewellery." I put the earrings on "wow would you look at that, I'm not a superhero. The miraculous didn't choose me, how terrible"

"You have to say Spots on to activate the powers, don't say it yet, you will wear them all the time, no matter what you never know when you have to transform"

"Transform into what?"

"A superhero"

"So I say Spots on-- wait-- oh my god, Tikki help! Where did you go?" I looked down at my hands, I was now in a skin tight spotted suit and I had never felt more powerful than I did in that moment.

There was a strange thing attached to my hip, I took it away and it opened to some kind of phone, looking through it I accidentally pressed a button "Hello?" Came a voice, I yelped almost dropping it

" What is this?! " I asked

"I wouldn't know what your referring to considering I can't see you"

"Wait, kitty cat man?!"

"Uh... What?"

" you're the cat miraculous holder aren't you? "

"Yeah... Hey meet me at place des voges" and with that he hung up, how was I supposed to get there?! I was dressed up as a Ladybug, it wasn't like it wasn't noticeable. I clenched my fist in distress.

I dug through my clothes finding a long pair of jeans a long hoodie, boots and dark sunglasses that should've never seen the light of day. I looked insane.

"Hey sweetheart how was last night?" Asked Mom, I swallowed hard as I made my way down my room ladder

" it was great" I said bluntly

"Oh darling are You okay?"

" I'm fine, I have to go now. Bye! " I ran out the house as quickly as I could, sprinting to the park, the cat was no where to be seen. This wasn't some kind of joke was it? I wasn't in the mood, I pulled off my glasses and put my hood down.

"What are you wearing?" I turned around to be met by him, he looked even better up close...

"what aren't you wearing? Gosh you're fighting crime like that? The indecency" His suit was skin tight leather which really bought out his muscular build, he rolled his eyes

"Fine, if you want your boot to fall on a poor civilians head and kill them that's fine by me" I took off my hoodie, jeans and boots

"where am I supposed to put it?"

" that's not my problem"

"Hey is that the cat man?" Came a voice

" Yes I think it is" I looked around an a crowd was gathering around us, kitty cursed under his breath

"follow me" he ordered me, before extending a pole thingy and jumping onto a building. How the hell did he expect me to follow him? I didn't have a cool pole. How unfair.

I placed the clothes on a bench, making a mental note to collect it later, that was unless it was stolen which I had no doubt that was going to happen.

"Are you the Ladybug miraculous holder?" Someone asked me

"I... Uhm... Probably... I think so... I..."

" Can I get a picture oh my goodness this is--"

"Sorry no pictures" kitty cat said, I let out a sigh of relief when he wrapped his arm around my waist and extending his pole so we were now high in the air.

"why didn't you follow me?"

" what did you expect me to do? Fly? My costume didn't come with a pole" Mr cat had one hand holding onto his pole and the other around my waist. I could see all of Paris from here. "You're strong" I blurted, he ignored me

"didn't you listen to anything your kwami told you?"

"I listened and then she decided to disappear"

"That's because you transformed."

"okay Mr know-it-all"

"Chat Noir"


" call me Chat Noir"

"Okay Chat Noir, I'm calling myself Ladybug. Get it? it's a play on words really, I'm a lady dressed up as a bug"


"says Chat Noir. God I was pretty proud of myself, and you had to ruin it"

"Sorry my sincerest apologises"

"yeah that's what I thought, you should be sorry, and I'm calling you Mr Kitty cat"

"I'd rather you not"

"Too late Mr kitty cat... Can you let me down somewhere?" Chat Noir moved his pole and we ended up on top of a random building, he let go of me

"Open your bug phone then open the manual, it will tell you everything you need to know"

"The what now?" I asked, Chat pointed to the thing that sat on my hip, I opened it and started scrolling through it. I ended up finding the contact for Chat Noir, a smirk tugged at my lips, Chat Noir to Mr Kitty cat.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh nothing" he eyed me suspiciously

I ended up finding the manual. "Welcome to the manual. What subject would you like to find out about? " came Tikkis voice, my eyes widened, what type of sorcery was this?

"transforming and detransorming. to transform into Ladybug you say 'Spots on'. To detransform you say 'Spots off' oh that's easy, spots --" Chat covered my mouth with his hand

"Are you an idiot?"

" What? "

"Do you want the whole of Paris knowing you're a superhero?"

"Uh... Yes! That's so cool!" chat ran a hand down his face in frustration "Okay fine I won't tell anyone because a flying rat and a grown man dressed as a cat told me too"

I scrolled through the manual a little bit more "The Yoyo also known as the bug phone. The Yoyo is a tool Ladybug uses to travel, catch things ect. To use it all you have to do is swing it and think of where you want to go. It's magic." I closed it and frowned, studying it carefully

I started to swing it, it actually worked taking me by surprise, that was until it collided straight with Chats head "Oh my god sorry!"

"if I wasn't transformed you would've given me a concussion" he said rubbing at his head

"Can you help me? I have no idea how to work this"

"You have it, swing to the next building" I took a chance and did as he said, i shut my eyes immediately before opening them when i stood up, I took a step back, nearly taking a step to my death off a building, Chat Noir grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

I had to be the worst Ladybug miraculous holder there ever was.

Marinettes Dream Job.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora