Chapter 29

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Sitting in my living room and working is not what I planned to do today.

To be honest today's plans changed drastically after last night's events. I didn't mean to think he would be here with me all day, but my heart and mind said differently.

That's why sitting on the couch in my living room—the gray stormy weather outside perfectly reflecting my mood— is so depressing. It's only been 20 minutes since he left, no more no less, so it's only been 20 minutes since I decided that I wanted him in my life.

Turns out that now that I decided that I want him I don't want him anywhere else but with me. It's weird, this feeling of protectiveness I suddenly have over him, but there are so many people out there who want me dead and suffering, and Damien is leverage for them, in their eyes, he is a way to get to me, and I don't want even to entertain the idea of that happening. I'm well aware he can perfectly take care of himself, and that he needs me as much as I need him, but I can't stomach the thought of him being in danger, of me not knowing what he's doing, or even who he's doing it with.

We haven't really talked about our relationship, we kinda skipped that part and went straight to sex, not that I'm complaining, but now that I had him, I won't let him go, and seeing him with another person is not a thing I want. He is mine and I am his, there is no in-between.

So long I have gone without him, rejecting these feelings I have for him, and I can't do it anymore. I want everything with him, every bad and good moment, every up and down. I want him fully and if he'll have me I'm going to give myself fully. No more walls, no more secrets. Just me, him, and the connection between us.

Dammit, that's it. I'm going to go find him. I have the resources and the means to do so, I don't care if he gets mad that I'm crossing some kind of line. I need to find him.

Reaching my decision I go to the door and pull on the doorknob, my eyes glued to the floor trying to concentrate and formulate a plan.

I don't even make it a step out of the door when I feel a firm masculine hand on my shoulder. My shields, mask, and defense immediately kicked in, ready to face this unknown opponent. As my gaze lifts up to meet the face of the intruder, I feel a lump lodge in my throat, and my heart stops.

His face is amused, and those bright blue eyes, are exactly as I remembered.

'Teodore.' I say, cursing myself for the way my breath hitches. The grin on his face as I said his name only grows, pure ignorance and pride lacing his stance as he takes a step inside and causes me to take the same step, retreating back into my room.

My heart no longer thunders happily at new possibilities, but rather it drops to my stomach and stays there.

'Hello, Lucy.' he drawls and I have to bite back a sneer and train my impassive face.

'May I help you?' I say hoping he leaves sooner if I just give him what he wants.

We are in my space. A place— just like my office, I designed just to banish my past, so I can manage to sleep, to rest. But now I am here facing the worst parts of my past.

'We didn't talk much at the gala,' I watch him as he saunters over to the couch in the middle of the room, his muscles flexing with every movement, and my eyes trained on his new tattoos, 'Thought I could come over and you know,' he gestures with his hands, sitting on my couch like he owns the place, 'Catch up with my betrothed.'

'I'm sorry to be the one to inform you Teodore,' I sit poised on the sofa beside the couch, slightly turning my body so I can talk to him eye-to-eye. 'But we are no longer betrothed, we haven't been for at least six years.' I see him clench his jaw, the only sign of weakness I need to know he doesn't like what I said one bit.

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