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{3 months later...}

Life drifts us all along a river of destiny. Along the way, we bump into other rivers, get swept up in a big current, and fall down a long waterfall. But we keep flowing, keep going to where it leads us until we flow to the end. Some end in giant oceans while others in small lakes, but we all end somewhere, we all make that journey to the end.

Their journey hasn't ended, their river still flows. And yet it flows steady, no ripples since the storm. At least for now.

'How's life in hiding?' Damien said to her, as he brushed a kiss on her head. He couldn't still quite wrap his head around the fact that she is alive, beside him. He made sure to keep it that way.

'Same as yesterday, and the day before that, and before that.' Lucy replied back, and he smiled. She felt it against her hair, that all-familiar smile, with those all-familiar lips that she traced with her finger every morning now, her heart jumping every time she realized that this wasn't a dream, but her life. That he was here with her, and it was real.

'And stop calling it in hiding,' Lucinda continued, 'I'm not hiding, I'm dead.'

Damien let himself ignore the way his heart clenched at those words, and laid his head on her shoulder, studying her laptop and what she was researching on it, 'Okay then Zombie Luc, what are you up to?'

She scoffed, 'I'm not up to anything.'

'You're always up to something.'

Lucinda swiveled around and turned to face Damien, 'Listen here Mr. Know-it-all, I have been cooped up in this lodge for three months now.' She stands up and places both her hands on his chest, slowly pushing him onto the living room couch.

Damien understood what she meant, and he saw exactly what she was researching, which files she was obsessing over. But he let her have this and ignored it. Her mother somehow being alive, was new, and he knew what it was doing to her at the moment. So he let her use him as a distraction. Because if Damien was sure of anything it was that he would always be here for her. She won't be alone, not anymore.

Lucy managed to push them onto the couch and put her legs around him, straddling him. She knew that look on his face, that determined look he got when he thought that she was spiraling into herself. Maybe she was, but she knew that not everything was a coincidence, not in her world, not in the world she was born in.

At that moment they both looked into each other's eyes, at the understanding coursing threw them, and they let out a tense breath. 

'I love you.' both said at the same time, and both of them smiled, bringing their lips together and going to a rhythm they now knew by heart.

They made it threw this far, and they both knew if they had to push a little farther they would. Because both would go to the end of the world for the other. They would burn it down to ashes if it meant that they could see the other smile, and be happy. And that might have been toxic and slightly psychotic, but they didn't care. This was their story, their river and they will both reach the end of it. Together.

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