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After an hour or so of sitting in an uncomfortable pue with Dom, Mia, Brian, and baby Jack, the service was finally over and I could go home and change.

I went into my room, changing into a pair of leggings and a baggy tee. It was suitable and casual for eating with friends later tonight.

That was a thing here. Every Sunday night, we'd all get together and have one big family meal outside. Dom, Mia, Brian, Jack, Tej, Roman, Han, and I. It was an opportunity to hang out and catch up with one another.

I took off all my make up, staring at the blank canvas in the mirror. I had decided to redo my make up instead of leaving it in a formal state.

Right as I'm about to start, there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say, putting some foundation on my face and rubbing it in. I see Dominic's reflection in the mirror and smile slightly. He just stared at me, his face blank.

"You okay?" I asked, turning around in my seat to look at him. He nodded, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh, yeah. I was just going to tell you that Mia and Brian were heading home to put Jack down for a nap." Dom said, not taking his eyes off of me.

"Oh, okay." I said, shrugging a little. I continued putting products on my face, but Dom still hadn't left. He was still watching me. I pretended to not notice.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" he asked, walking over to me and squatting down beside me. He took my make up bag and whatever I had in my hand, setting it to the side. "You don't need that stuff."

I rolled my eyes, looking at him. "And how many times do I have to tell you? I hate my natural face." It was the truth. I had naturally red cheeks. Some girls would love it, but I hated it. Make up boosted my confidence.

"Elise." he spoke softly, yet his voice still deep and firm. I wasn't looking at him, so he placed his hand under my chin and gently turned my head towards him. "I wouldn't lie about something like that. Especially not to you."

A small smile appeared on my face and I looked down, becoming shy. It felt weird to be complimented by a man. I guess I'll get used to it soon.

We were still facing each other, his hand in the same spot under my chin. "At least give it a try. For me. Please?" he asked, a sense of pleading in his eyes. I groaned.

"Fine." I said finally, giving in and giving him the satisfaction. He seemed pretty happy by the looks of his expression change. He wins this round.

I got up and sat on my bed, him following. I read my book quietly and he continued to watch. "Do you have a staring problem?" I asked, kind of annoyed.

His face changed, the blank look coming back. He was about to speak, but we were interrupted by Brian.

"Hey, dinner time." he spoke with a smile. I nodded and looked at Dom, then him.

"Okay, thank you." I smile and slip shoes on, heading downstairs.


Dom had been acting differently lately. Everytime he was around me he would just close up and be weird. Hopefully he's alright.

Dinner was going smoothly. Everyone had their Corona or tea and a plate full of food. Rome at a piece off of his chicken, causing Brian to shout.

"GRACE. He has to say grace." he said and pointed towards him. It reminded me of a child. Everyone joined hands, my small hands fitting into Han's and Dom's larger ones. I closed my eyes and listened to Rome. He was quite the character.

As he prayed, Dom's grip got tighter, and it actually hurt. "Dom, loosen up. You're hurting me." I whispered to him. He wouldn't listen. Finally, I just pulled my hand away as Roman finishes

After I ate and socialized, I took my Corona and walked to the garage like structure. I slipped inside and shut the door, looking around. I had never been in here before. Dom wouldn't let me.

There was something under a tarp, and my curiousity grew. What was that? I slowly began to lift it, but being scared by a deep voice behind me.

"What are you doing?" he asked. I nearly dropped my bottle. Glass would have been everywhere. "I told you to not come in here. Then again, you've never responded well to authority." he continued, the last part a little lower.

"I know you did, but curiousity got the better of me." I said and shrugged a little. My voice was a little shaky. In all honesty, Dominic did scare me. A lot.

He had come a lot closer now, towering over me. "Didn't you know that curiousity killed the cat?" he said as he stared down at me.

"Well, I'm not a cat. I'm human. And I'm just fine." I said and rolled my eyes. I could tell he was angry with my attitude, because next thing I knew i was pressed against the wall on a harsh manor.

I winced at the sharp pain. "Dom, what the hell?" I asked under his grip. He didn't answer, but all I saw was a darkness in his eyes. His grip was extremely tight and painful.

"Dom, stop. You're hurting me." I said as I struggled. "Let go." I looked up at him. He realised what he was doing at let go instantly. He stepped back in shock.

"Elise.. I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry." he said as he rambled on and finally I just envoloped him in a hug.

What? Cliche, yes. But it made him shut up.

"Hey, Dom, I'n about to- woah. Okay." Han chuckled looking at us. "Never seen you two that close before." I let out a nervous laugh as Dom scratched the back of his neck.

"Trying something new, I guess?" Dom responded, looking at me. I looked back and then away.

"Yeah. I guess so."

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