chapter 7

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Before I left Ellie's last night she slipped this letter in my hand...

To Danny,

There's something I need you to know. With everything that is happening, with Rafe. I need you to know that I love you. I know that when I feel down, all I need is to see you're gorgeous smile and to hear you say I love you. So I'm going to tell you now. I love you more than life itself. You are my other half. No matter what the future could bring, I will always love you, no matter what. you are the only family I have left. You have helped me through more than you can probably imagine. Rafe will be back. you know it. I know it. We all know it. Once Rafe makes a promise, he keeps it. You know that better than anyone.

I hope you have a good day's work tomorrow.

yours truly,

Ellie xxx

PS. Love you bubs. <3 <3 <3

Rafe left for Britain, to help fight for the British. So hearing her tell me how much she loves me through such a difficult time, made my heart wrench.

We were woken up at 5am this morning to the sound of the early morning drills. 

Currently we are on a ship, surrounded by a load of Marines. "Danny!" Gooz yells, motioning me to go toward him. As I get to him I see two men boxing, a cook and someone else. "Putting money that the big guy is going to win", Gooz announces, "Petty's going to win" I return, "oh yeah? how much are you willing to bet ?", "I can do $5", "you're on". We shake on it then continue watching them. Big guy lands a few punches , causing Petty's groupies calling him over. I'm presuming telling him how much they'll all lose if Petty loses.

They gather around again. This time the big guy misses every throw. Petty hits him, marks him each time. 

"YES!" I yell celebrating my his win. "Where's my money?!", I tell Gooz. "Nah man, this match as rigged". Sore loser.


Betty organised for us all to meet up at the beach today, so that's what we are doing. I'm on my way over there now. Excited to see Ellie after not seeing her all day. Today got so busy I didn't have time to pop in to see her, hell I didn't even have time to eat.

I arrive at the same time as Evelyn, "how are you holding up?" I ask her as we walk together to them all sitting around the fire, "not great but holding it together all the same", "I know how you feel". We get to everyone and Ellie runs over to me, wraps her arms around my neck, "hello to you too" I say to her smiling, kissing her lips once before setting her down on my lap where she was originally sitting. "You okay?" Ellie questions, "I've been better but now I've seen you, I'm more the okay". She blushes, her cheeks turning crimson. God she's beautiful. 


I spot Evelyn sitting on the rocks, "give me 5 minutes", I say to Ellie. I walk over to her, "are you writing to Rafe?", "yes. I miss him. More than I've ever missed anyone". I sit next to her. feeling the need to comfort her. "He'll be okay you know" I tell her, "how can you be so sure?". "Because I have known Rafe my whole life, if there is one thing I have learnt about him is... he is the greatest Pilot. He's going to be ok. Rafe is an arrogant asshole, he will come home. For you", Evelyn smiles... "the thing that worries me is not seeing him again. I keep telling myself he will be okay but what happens if one day I don't get a letter back?", "then the post is probably late" I joke. "you're right. I know im worrying for nothing but its just if I lose him I don't know what I'll do". "I know. Try not to think of that outcome, just try and keep yourself busy and have fun. I promise you, that's what he'd want. He wouldn't want you moping around all day waiting for him to get back". She nods then I leave her at that.

"Hey honey" Ellie says to me, standing up letting me sit back down. 



I see Danny talking to Evelyn on the rocks, making her smile. I feel awful, I can't imagine what she is going through, if it were me and the opposite way round I'd be tearing my hair out with anxiety. 

Evelyn eventually comes back over to us and sits down. "Hey Ev" I say inviting her into ur ongoing conversation, "hey". 

It get's to 11 pm and I say to them I'm tried. "I'm going to get going now" I say to them all, "okay babes, I'll see you tomorrow" Betty yells, I get off of Danny's lap. He stands up with me, I pull him to the side for a second, "how's Ev holding up?", "not great. I think she just needs a someone to talk to", "I'm proud of you for helping her".

"Ellie. That letter you wrote me". "Thankyou. I really needed that". "Baby, you don't have to thank me. I'll always be there for you". He seems to relax when hearing those 6 words. He hug's her. "I can walk you home", "Danny you should stay. You need to have fun, take your mind off everything. Be there for Evelyn". He nods."Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow. Ok" I shake my head. "Goodnight handsome, I love you" I wink to him.

I begin to walk away, I turn around one last time, seeing Danny staring at me, I smirk at him, he spins around and whispers something to everyone. Then I see him get up. Running toward me, I begin squealing trying to run faster. He wraps his arms around my waist and throws me on his shoulders. 

We get to my front door, his lips join mine and he kisses me all the way through the door to my room. "Jump" he states, I do just that. Jumping into his arms, they wrap around me holding me against him. He slams the door closed behind us, then lays me down on my bed. Stripping me. I pull open his shirt and slide off his pants leaving him in nothing. I lay naked on the bed, ready for whatever he has planned. His lips meet my skin, leaving trails of kisses up my body, "you know. I really fucking love you Ellie", goose bumps appear on my arms and back, "I love you more", "impossible" he demands. He takes a step back, examining the scene before him, as he does so, I see him, all of him. I'm speechless, he's breathtaking. "Daniel. I need you right now!", his approving smile lighting up the room. I feel him, inside me, outside me. All over me. How is it possible to feel such things when you've only known each other for a few months?.



The front door swings on its hinges. Ellie suddenly sits up. Waking Danny whilst doing so. "Daniel, I think someone is inside", Ellie states, on edge, her voice shaky. "Isn't it just Betty?", "no betty told me she was staying with Red tonight", alarmed he stands up, throwing on his pants, "wait in here okay", "no you're not going out their alone!", she throw's on her dressing gown and trail after him, keeping behind him if only because he keeps shooing me back. They walk round the corner from my room, getting to the living room. Out of nowhere we see Red... and Betty laying on the couch making out. "Betty!" I scream, pulling her from whatever universe she was in. "Wow" Betty near to screams. "You said you were staying with Red!", "yeah plan sort of changed" she announces. "You know what I don't care. I'm going back to bed!". Danny trails behind her. Hugging Ellie from behind he places a kiss of her neck. They get back into bed. Just like that they were asleep. Dreaming of each other. Dreaming of Rafe. Hoping he is safe.



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