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Betty's pov
Today is going to be difficult I wake up earlier then I would like to throw up and I have been getting up like this for days I put on a solid pink knee length dress with red strap on shoes and grab my cap and gown and go down stairs to see that Cheryl  is already dressed in her red romper with her red stilettos and she has her cap and gown down her to I look over at her and say "I still don't know what I'm going to say today I want to take pictures before we get there with the ultrasound so I can say your mommy did it in a way but I also want a picture of me and you hand on my stomach saying we are family and this is our baby I want you there for all of it if possible I know you have college but I need my cousin she has been mg biggest supporter I ever knew." "OMG yes I love the photo ideas for before we leave but on your speech you are going to crush it like you did everything else when you get up on that stage you will know what to say even before you realize." With that we finished getting ready for graduation Cheryl did my makeup she made sure it was me and then we got in her hair with Nana Rose to go to the ceremony and finally graduate Riverdale high school and be done with this town by the end of the summer the town that has me so much pain from finding out my parents lied to me and sent Polly away because she was pregnant and that my dad was the black hood who made me hurt Veronica and brake up with Jughead. Then the gargoyle king then being sent to the sisters and being forced to take drugs and to tip it all of everyone believed that Jug was dead for months because he was attacked then I got pregnant and he broke up with me so I have to raise this child alone but I can do it with Cheryl by my side and she promised she always would be. As we drive there me and Cheryl laugh at old memories from high school like when we would walk the halls and practically see at least one couple humming each other in the hallway the legendary party's she threw and how we where actually going to miss it. At that point we made it to the school and I took Cheryl's had as www walked in because I didn't know how to Dave it alone at the moment so I just did I went in with Cheryl by my side no matter what happens I took tombs of photos with Kiev, reggie, tony, and many more but my hand would absentmindedly rest on my stomach right where my baby my secret was at and when Cheryl noticed rage came over and whispered I'm my ear "Hey you have you hand on the baby just watch out don't do it make sure you have something to do with you hands during your speech." I looked at her and nodded and she walked off I went to the bathroom because I was feeling a little nauseous and wanted to not be seen running to the bathroom to throw up in grunt of everyone but it turned out to be a false alarm. After that it's time to go out there to get this over with and finally it is my time to give my speech so as I walk up there I see Cheryl look at me and smile and j know that I can do this  so I start. "Hi. I admit I've been struggling with what I wanted to say today. High school is supposed to be this amazing, safe time. But our years were coopted with heartache and drama and even death. And it's not fair that so many of our classmates aren't here to walk with us today. And it's not right that some of our parents aren't here to watch those of us who are. Those younger than us have known no Riverdale other than the one steeped in violence. Our class is lucky enough to remember a time before the era of tragedy. When this was just a small, sleepy, slightly boring town. That's the Riverdale I wish upon the generation coming up behind us. And the one I want us, our class, to remember as we head into the future. So please, stay young for as long as you can. Stay innocent for as long as possible. Even if it's only for one more moment. Thank you." With that I walk back to my seat and take a deep breath because I got through that speech with out any major disasters so I will take that as a win then they call out our names one by one to go get our diploma and at the end I was finally a girl ready to leave at the end of summer Cheryl saw that was a little unsteady and made me sit down I guess thinking about Riverdale the only home I have ever really know but now I'm going to college I'm going to be a mom and I can do this I will need help that is for sure but I will be able to handle this because I will be happy for my baby not sad or depressed I will not drink unless it's one beer and she is already my top priority it's life not me my sweet little girl.  At that we have arrived back at thistlehouse and Cheryl said she was going to tweet out the part for next Saturday and that I should get some calming tee and I'll be right there to help we need to make sure people are available to be there ok and after we had supper then headed to bed.

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