New mamma

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Betty pov
I woke up and it was a day like every other I got up and went to class like I have done for over a semester now but something about today felt off. I didn't think anything of it I went to all of my classes and was going into the lunch room after my last morning class but then I felt a sort of cramping but the next thing I know the lunch lady tells me "hunny your water just broke you need to sit down" with I do sit while she was calling 911 that's when my roommate walked in and said "hey Betty what is going on OMG I got her where is your go bag and then we can go." With that she took me so we did live of campus but by the time I got to the hospital I was already in pain I called out for my mom and Cheryl. They where who I needed we stayed in touch she was still going to be be the god mother of my baby I decided to wait to find out I have names picked out for both genders but the fist thing I did was tell them "Call me mom please she's my emergency contact I need her here and make sure she tells my cousin Cheryl she's the godmother I want them here please." The nurse nodded then spoke up saying "What about the father should I call him as well or will your mother?" I looked down and almost started crying. When i had composed myself enough I looked back up I told the nurse "He's not in the picture but thats ok he broke my heart before i knew about my baby's he broke up with me and I couldn't tell him because he would take my baby." The nurse looked at me and said "Hey it's ok I totally understand you couldn't let anyone have your baby and that is a great instinct it's your motherly instinct you love you baby and that's all that matters." I noosed as another wave of pain hits me and I scream and call out for my mom that's when the nurse tells me "Your mother and your cousin Cheryl are on there way they told me to tell you it's going to be ok." I breath out a heavy breath and tell her "thank you." The pain goes on for hours but I can't push yet it's not time my roommate has been with me the entire time helping me out she's holding my hand and feeding me ice chips she hasn't left since we got here if it wasn't for her I would be alone the entire time the doctor comes in again to check how dilated I am and she looks back at me and say "sweetheart I know it hurts but it's time for you to push." I look and just shake my head no and speak up "I want my mom and cousin here when I give birth please." "I know but You can't wait it could put you baby in danger and your self so I have to tell you I advise you push the next time you feel a contract come along or I will have to bring you to get a c section and I think you would prefer a normal birth." I looked at her and nodded my head and then I felt a contraction and I pushed as and the pain was excruciating but I would do it for my baby. My baby was worth it a after 2 hours I was hearing a cry when they told me that I had a gorgeous baby boy

I knew he would be named after his father Forsythe Pendleton Jones 4 as they placed him in my arms my mother and Cheryl come in and I look at them smiling and say "hey guys this is my baby no he is named Forsythe Pendleton Jones 4 after his father...

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I knew he would be named after his father Forsythe Pendleton Jones 4 as they placed him in my arms my mother and Cheryl come in and I look at them smiling and say "hey guys this is my baby no he is named Forsythe Pendleton Jones 4 after his father and he's is glorious and so perfect and I wish he was here." I look down and start to cry and they both come over and hug me because they know that I wish my baby's father was here because I'm not sure I can do this alone but as I look at my baby boy I know I have to try because I can't give him away I would never forgive myself if I did that and I won't give up on my plans either I want to be a directive for the FBI like Charles but I won't betray my family like he did that's when mom speaks up and says "honey you have an amazing son and I know you've thought about this a lot but are you sure you want to name him after his father are you sure it's not going to be too hard on you because you will have to tell him why you named him that and he may want to meat his dad are your ready for that?" I looked at my son and saw that he already was the exact replica of his father with his dark hair and blue eyes so I knew one day of jug ever saw him he would know there was no hiding his name or the resemblance to his father and at that I looked at my mom and told her "He is my baby and Jugs but I will not keep him from jug if they meet then he will have his father and I hope that one day he does but it hurts to much right now so I will have to wait till I'm ready but I want my baby to have his father in his life because I will always love jug he was my first true love and he's the only one I have ever done anything with and it's going to be an amazing father and I wish that we didn't leave things on the term that we did I wish that he was here today but I can't wish that because I need to be strong for Forsythe my baby boy will be loved." I looked at my mom and could tell she understood where I stand that just because I am a mom doesn't mean that I wasn't going to fight tooth and nail to be what I've want to be since I was a senior in high school and with a associates degree and then I will go to the FBI academy that will take 20 weeks long and when I go through that I will let Cheryl take him for that time and then I will get my assignment and get my baby back and we will love where ever I have to work at.

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