A Villian and a Green Flash

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I quickly pointed my palm ready to blast the guy behind me and he tried to stab me with a knife quickly. The knife broke 1 inch away from my skin confusing him as my palm was directly near his face.

"How did you do that? Some sort of barrier quirk? Why are you pointing your palm at me?"

"Invisible nanotechnology and right now I'm one thought away from blowing your mind."

The eyes of the villain glowed green as he nodded. He saw that there was actually a green suit of armor around me and seemingly teleported behind me. I felt a big tug at the back of my head and felt someone touch my head. I felt like someone was looking through my memories.

(I shall finally switch to 3rd person as there are now multiple protagonists)

Laughter echoed around the warehouse. Metalica used the opportunity to quickly try to shine a flashlight device on the Villian but he was nowhere to be found. 

"I'll help you out in your little conquest, I mean my universe is also at risk. Names Izuku Shigaraki, villain name All for One." He let out his hand. I used my technology to see if he was honest and he was. I shook his hand.

"I read your mind and am all caught up. All we need to do is to visit other me's and show them the truth. Just want to know the rest of the story though, mind reading is blurry." Shigaraki then waved with the flashlight in hand and flashed it into his eyes. "Feel dizzy huh? All those memories implanted in you are crazy." Metalica said with a playful tone. 

They both nodded at each other and Metalica handed Shigaraki the metal bracelet. Together they activated it and they were swirled into nothingness.

Suddenly a portal in the warehouse opened. "Dammit, I was too late! I'll kill them later." The strange man lifted his arm up in the air and suddenly the earth quaked.
"It is more fun when you do it yourself. All for all, Universal smash." Suddenly the earth started to crack the purple skies started to send down nomu and people in soldier armor.
"Another world is taken. And then there were 2."

I will refer the characters like this
Villain Deku = Shigaraki
Smart Deku = Metalica
Fem Deku = Izumi
Deku = Deku

They were in a void. Empty yet full of color. They felt like they were in a car traveling while getting a glimpse of the other universes good and bad.
"So scared about what you're going to face in this multiversal mess?" Said Shigaraki
"I'm not afraid, I know the risks and what might happen but I'm ready to do anything."
"Can you do anything?"
"I AM VERY STRONG YA KNOW!!! Just not like All Might or Endeavor level strong" He said in a soft voice.
"Mark my words you are going to be the weakest out of the bunch and be out multiversal uber and google."
"I can hold my own" Metallica said angrily as he growled at Shigaraki."

As soon as they reappeared a green light flashed before their eyes as Shigaraki caught a punch.
"So, this is our next target huh." As he said that the air began to get cold as he made his fist into ice and tried to punch the green light. But then the light disappeared and in a flash, Metalica went flying. "This is about to get serious eh?" Shigaraki said with a wide grin.

"What are you doing here? Why did you appear in the middle of the city?" A feminine voice said.
"Well, we're here to pick you up Izumi Midoriya." The air was tense and the air was filled with silence. Izumi asked with confusion "How do you know me?" "All will be explained when I flash this light into your eyes." He said with a playful tone.

Izumi's eyes narrowed as she disappeared again. Shigaraki looked around and saw lights moving people out and making an empty square around him. Then Shigaraki suddenly dodged a punch from behind and sweep kicked Izumi. Then ice started to form chaining Izumi stopping her from moving.

"I would just like to talk, I mean no harm," Shigaraki said while pulling out a weird flashlight and pointing it toward Izumi's eyes. The Izumi started shaking and phasing into the floor.
"Ah, phasing, and annoying ability that seems invisible. But too bad for you I killed Lemilion."

Green lights started circling Shigaraki and creating tornados and lightning. It was like a storm was brewing. A clap was heard and suddenly a gust of wind was released stronger than anything nature could have done, and at the center of it Shigaraki. Izumi was blown away (Literally) and fell to the ground. Suddenly Shigaraki appeared next to her and put the flashlight directly at her eye.

"Don't worry, it's harmless. Massive migraines and headaches at best" he flashed the light at Izumi. Izumi could see all the information, the situation that was going on. She had memories implanted in her so that she could be caught up to speed on the situation. "Did you have to go that rough to give me the situation?" Izumi asked with anger. "Just know I did not go out. I practiced the ultimate skill of self-control."

Metalica stood up and caught up to them with a piece of amour missing. "Told you, you would be the weakest. Didn't even survive a punch from miss speedy." Izumi punched Shigaraki and scolded him. Metalica thought to himself 'This is going to be an interesting team.'

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