The Crown

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Knock knock knock

My eyes shoot open as I reach for the dagger under my pillow. I listen closely and realize that the pattern of the heart beat of the person outside proves that it is just Angela my hand maid.

I groan into my pillow and loosen my grip on the dagger.

Sometimes I hate my super hearing. It makes it hard to sleep especially with humans around.

I slowly lift my head and respond "come in"

She walks in with a goblet of blood and some clothing.

"good morning your majesty. Please have breakfast and get ready. Your presence has been requested in the throne room by your father the king"

She says all the while keeping her eyes downcast with a straight face. I sighed and nodded repeatedly.

I got up and yawned while stretching. Not very princessy, I know but heck, just because I'm a princess doesn't mean my bones don't feel weird every morning.

I took the goblet while walking to my bathroom. Angela followed me and started preparing my bath.

I don't know why she insists on doing that. All I have to do is turn knob to make the water warm. It's not the fucking ninetees where preparing a bath is a huge task.

I roll my eyes and take a sip of my warm blood.

She soon finishes turning the knob and leaves. I finish my meal and brush my teeth.

I step into the shower next and take a quick unecessary bath.

I'm a vampire for crying out loud.

I get dressed in an obnoxiously long and elegant red dress that could probably pay ten cancer patients medical bills.

I sit down at my dresser and look in the mirror as Angela pulls my hair in different directions.

I watch my curly orange hair get tied up in a messy ponytail with some escapee loose grands covering my face.

I have pretty long hair though and I was sure those loose strands would prove problematic later in the day.

I sigh as I think to myself i should probably cut it

Angela is soon done with my hair and I get up to leave.

I walk through the halls at a slow pace trying to postpone talking to my father.

He and I just don't get along. I'm not the perfect daughter he wanted. I'm not like my five sisters.

I'm actually the first born among us six children.

It's not often that a vampire gives birth to so many but  we aren't from the same mother. My mother is the actual queen but she is actually just for show.

She is from a pure bloodline and that is why she was forced to marry my father.

They don't love each other though. Their marriage is just for show. Their dislike for each other slowly turned to hate for me over the years

The fact that I am a mistake and unworthy of being a pure blood is hammered into my head always.

I don't realize when I reach the doors to the throne room because I was lost in deep thought.

I was currently debating with myself if I should knock or walk in. Before I could decide the guards in front of the doors pushed them open.

I took in a deep breath and stepped into the room.

There on their thrones were my parents. They were on a raised platform directly facing the doors. Beneath them was a large space with chairs arranged parallel to each other.

On these mini thrones sat my five sisters.

Everyone turned to look at me when I got in. Some stared at me with sneers on their faces and others were just looking at me with smug faces.

My dad looked at me with a blank face but the hatred in his eyes was unmistakable.

My mom on the other hand had a softer look on her face.

" Welcome Talia. We have something to discuss with you. Sit down" my moms soft voice filtered into my ears.

You obviously want to talk to me that's why you even remembered that you had a daughter I thought to myself.

I didn’t dare say this aloud though.

I finished studying everyone's facial expressions and walked to my seat.

I sat down with my back straight and I crossed my hands on my laps. Just like I should as a princess.

Suddenly all those long boring lessons with nanny Agatha came flooding back. I quickly pushed those thoughts away and waited for my father the king to speak.

"I have summoned all my  daughters here today because of a very serious decision we have to take" he said putting all his hatred into the word daughters.

He always wanted sons and not useless girls as he says.

My younger sister Melissa said "Can you stop beating about the bush and speak up father"

My dad bared his fangs at her " you will speak to me with respect"
She huffed and looked away from him.

I smiled at their exchange. This household is never boring

"As I was saying you all know that your sister Talia is the rightful successor to my throne since she is the oldest among you and she is a pure blood"

My sisters glanced my way with hateful glares and I smiled at them warmly.

"This unfortunately will have to change" my sisters were the ones smiling now as I whipped my head towards my father.

"Why though father" I asked with a monotonous voice

"The mutt people have decided to make a deal with us. This is a truce. They have decided to hold a ball where their strongest alpha will look for a chosen mate amongst us vamps"

"What does any of that have to do with Talia " my younger sister Annette asked.

My father sighed and rubbed his temple mumbling something about her being dumb. I heard because, well I'm a pure blood.

"Since your sister is the strongest, it's only natural that she is given up for the truce"

I frowned at this.

My other sister then asked "Which alpha are we talking about"

"Alpha Zeus BlackWood"

My sister Melissa gasped " I heard he is really good looking. Why does Talia have to be his mate" we all ignored her as I asked a question that was haunting me

"What happens when he finds his mate"

" He already lost his mate"

We all got silent lost in our thoughts.

My father decided to speak again " Talia is just the person we are considering. It isn't certain yet. A ball will be held for him to choose who he wants"

I subconsciously released a breath and hoped that he wouldn't choose me.

"They will arrive in 3 days. All of you prepare and make sure to not embarass me or the crown"

He said whiles looking right at me. I pursed my lips and looked away.

"You may leave"

I was on my feet before he could even finish. I super sped to my room and locked the door.

I slid down and stared straight ahead of me in a daze

I guess I have 3 more days of peace and privacy I thought.

I shut my eyes and crawled under my bed and fell asleep.

I've always loved darknes

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