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Talia's pov

Today is the day. The mutts or should I say my possible future husband will be arriving.

To tell I was nervous would be a lie. I am completely and utterly relaxed.

I've just been this way since I could remember. Any time I'm in situations where normal people panic, I usually just feel..........................


In fact it was kinda amusing walking around and seeing all the preparations being done for those dogs.

When I woke up this morning, I was told by my darling Angela that the dogs would arrive later tonight. Which means I have the whole day to relax and enjoy some peace.

I decided to spend my last day in the village closest to us which was about an hour on horse back but approximately 5 minutes with vamp speed.

I quickly got dressed in comfortable clothes and tied my long hair up in a smooth ponytail. It was so long that even after the high ponytail it still reached my waist.

I sighed  I need a haircut

I walked out of the palace and quickly approached the large gates.

It took a lot of convincing and threatening to have the gate opened for me.

I sped across the huge meadow surrounding the palace and zoomed into the forest.

I soon got to the village and was mezmerized like I was every time I have been here.

It just had a homey feel. People going about their day and greeting each other with smiles.

It was a pretty little village with approximately 60 people. They were just like family here. No greediness or power hunger.

All there was was love.

I always envied them. I wish I had that. A little cosy family that loved me for me.

I walked around as I watched the little children rush around. Sometimes falling but getting right back up with giggles.

As I walked by, people shot me smiles and greetings which I replied with some of my own.

I remember the first time I stumbled upon this village. They were so scared. But now, I was like family to them.

They all knew my secret but still accepted me. I used to always wonder how they could accept me when my family didn't.

I kept walking and greeting my friends and soon found my self in front of a cozy looking cottage.

I could smell the apple pie all the way from here.

I pushed the small iron gates which made a loud screeching sound.

I cringed slightly. I never got used to that.

I walked on the paved pathway between a well kept garden and approached the door.

I knocked lightly and I heard thumping from the other side. Soon the door opened to reveal a short round woman with the warmest brown eyes and biggest heart.

I smiled as she pulled me into her short chubby arms and started kissing me all over my face.

" Talia, my baby. It's been so long. Come in" she said while holding the door open for me.

I hunched a little to fit into her shirt doorway and entered the house.

I smiled at the warmth radiating from inside.

I turned around to see her staring at me intently.

I reached out to her with tears welling up in my eyes " I missed you Nana"

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