The Fight/dinner

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I watched as Dash approached me from inside the ring. It was an elevated platform and so I had to look up to reach his eyes.

He looked at me with masculine smugness and I watched on silently.

I walked round the ring still keeping eye contact with him.

I slowly climbed the stairs with purposeful intimidation and I could feel the fear from some people.

I entered the ring and stood right in front of him. He was a little taller than me so I tilted my head up to look into his eyes.

I began to think of my life and how unfair it was.

How abnormal I was. Usually, vampires have black hair. If not black then brown

But what do I have...........

Blazing orange hair.

Vampires don't have powers.........

But I can take a life just by looking at it and thinking it.

I am literally a walking killer machine.

Why don't I just end everyone then you ask

I'm too good for that.

"the rules are that no weapons should be used. The person to remain on the ground after 5 counts looses" one of the soldiers who was our referee boomed.

The bell rings and Dash starts to circle me.

I stand still and wait for his move.

He swipes his leg beneath me and I jump to dodge it. Immediately a leg comes flying to my midsection which I missed by a hairs breadth.

He started throwing punches and kicks in quick succession which I kept dodging.

His movements started slowing after a while and I smiled. It's my turn to tango.

I threw a punch in his face and his head whipped to the left.

I lifted my leg and stepped on his toes. He screamed and grabbed his foot while hopping on one leg. I bent low and spun around with my leg out sweeping him of his feet.

He fell down and a tremor went through the ring. I got up and placed my foot on his chest.

The referee counted to 5 and I was declared the winner.

I walked towards Stephan and said to him "train your recruits well. Arrogance isn't going to win the wars for us. Strength, speed and stamina is what will"

I swept the few strands of my hair that came out back and got out of the ring.

I saw my sister's watching me with apprehension. This made me smirk evilly at them and walk away.

I got to my room, took a bath and layed down to read a book.

I soon found myself drifting of to sleep.

It felt like minutes even though I'm sure it was a few hours when I was shaken awake by Angela. I finally opened my eyes even though I was awake ever since she entered the room

Thanks to my super hearing. Note the sarcasm.

I sighed and rolled away from her which eventually knocked the book off my chest.

"your majesty, His majesty has asked for a family dinner today. You need to get ready"

I sighed in frustration and grabbed my hair

What does he want I thought angrily. Can't I just have some peace these last few days.

I groaned loudly as I got up off my soft bed.

Yh people. Vamps don't sleep in coffins.

I entered the bathroom and washed my face. As I stepped out, Angela was holding a beautiful dress out to me. It was a beautiful blue dress that matched the color of my eyes.

It went down to my knees and it was covered in little sparkles. They weren't blindingly shiny but they sparkled delicately under the light.

It covered my arms in a delicate hold. The fabric was so soft to the touch.

Angela strapped orange heals to my legs so that it would match with my hair. She then had me sit in front of the dresser and she combed out my long hair. She then tied it in a messy bun and truthfully, I felt gorgeous.

I smiled at Angela through the mirror. She blushed and glanced away. I would definitely miss this lady. She is soo helpful and patient

On the days I couldn't control my anger, she was the to take the hit.

And on the days I felt soo lonely and ended up crying, she was there to hold me and sing to me. I know I never treat her like she deserves but I'm just scared of loosing her to.

"thank you" I breathed out and got up walking out of the room.

My heals made a clicking sound against the floor as I walked to the dining room. I pushed open the heavy double doors and stepped in gaining a few gasps and the instant silence of the whole table.

I walked to my seat which was on my dad's right hand side. Right next to one of his advisors.

I front of me sat my mom also next to another advisor.

On my left was my sister Melissa then Annette then Bella then Agnes then Olivia. We were sitting in order of birth and our mothers were sitting before us.

" you finally decided to grace us with your presence all mighty" my father sneered at me.

I looked at him in the eye and nodded " yes I did father"

He turned away with a scowl. I smirked and looked at him for a few more seconds. I love making him squirm

He cleared his throat as I leaned back in my chair. " today, we are having this gathered dinner to celebrate the soon to be betrothal of one of my daughters to Zeus blackwood of the Golden moon pack"

Mummers from my long distance family who also joined us erupted around the table.

" I know you must all be wondering why I even bethered to associate myself with those mutts but this is a truce that the council of supernatural beings has agreed on and I cannot object".

The voices of people slowly grew louder and I just leaned back and tuned them all out. I shut my eyes and sighed.

I felt eyes on me and I didn't have to turn to know who it was.

"what is it Melissa"

I opened my eyes and turned to face her without shifting my body.

She sighed and leaned back " I don't know why I feel like saying this and don't swell with pride or anything but I feel like this place will be soo cold without your creepy warm eyes following us around.

I smiled and turned to face her fully." is that your way of saying you'll miss me" I asked in a teasing tone.

She glared at me and turned away ignoring me but not before I noticed the slight blush on her pale skin.

I smiled and turned away from her.

She had always been my fiesty little tiger. And I know she did all she did not on her own free will but because of the devil of a father she had on her shoulder.

I sighed. I would miss them.

Very very much.

The chatter continued and I soon got tired so I stood up. "I think I'll retire early tonight. Have a good evening"

I turned to walk away not awaiting a response and ignoring my mother's longing look.

I got to my room, took of my shoes and slipped my dress off.

I went to my bathtub that could easily fit ten people who would have enough space each.

I slid into the always warm water and slowly took off my now wet underwear and threw them to the side.

I sighed and relaxed my muscles as sleep slowly came crawling.

I went to sleep with one lingering thought

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