Days Of Peace

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I woke with a start and ended up with a huge swell on my forehead.

It wouldn't heal for some few minutes since we vampires no longer take fresh blood from the source.

I crawled out from under my bed and stood up. I walked to my window and looked outside to the vast planes sorrounding the palace.

We are in the middle of a vast clearing in the forest. Father said it is to make it easier for us to see and hear intruders.

I walked a little to my right and pulled open the balcony doors and walked out. I released my hair from its tight updo and allowed the wind to blow through my hair.

My dress started moving along with my hair and I am sure I was a sight to see.

People always tell me I look intimidating with my hair down and wind blowing it along with my clothing.

A bird suddenly passed by and my blue sharp eyes followed it. Sometimes I wish I was free like that.

To make my own choices and to just fly around.

But just like everything, freedom comes with a price. I watched blankly as an arrow was shot at the bird and it fell to its demise.

I frowned a little and looked down at the bird on the floor.

I always had a soft heart which was used as an insult to me a lot of times during my childhood.

I saw some warriors training and decided to join them.

I went back to my room and locked the balcony doors. I will make sure that soldier pays for killing that bird for nothing.

I smirked evilly and quickly changed into my fighting clothes which were a tank top and sweat pants

I smirked evilly and quickly changed into my fighting clothes which were a tank top and sweat pants

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I walked out of my room and went to the training ground.

Many eyes followed me as I walked. I knew this was normal but it always felt uncomfortable.

I don't really have the ideal vampire body.

They usually thin and tall but I have a lot of extra flesh that makes my curves really prominent. I hated it.

Hated it a lot.

I was always harassed because of my body type. They said it is lust inducing and a princess shouldn't induce lust but respect and fear.

I sigh in irritation and make my way to the raised platforms where the fights take place.

"Who killed the bird" my voice boomed accross the training ground.

All the males turned towards me. Some looked at me strangely. Some also looked at me with disgust. And others were just horny messes

The commander walked towards me and saluted "good day your majesty. How can I help you"

I looked up at him since he was way taller than me. "I don't like to repeat myself Stephen"

He stared at me with a blank face and let out a breath. He turned to his soldiers and asked "who shot the bird?"

I smiled as my eyes softened. I knew he couldn't resist me.

Stephen and I have history. We used to love each other dearly. We were together until Melissa told him my huge secret.

He left me after sometime. He was there for me when the news first came out but he soon left when the stigma became too much for him.

I understand though. I would have left me too. After all I'm an abnormally.

I looked away from him as my wounds started reopening. They never really healed. I just covered them with lots of makeup

A young vamp with black hair walked up to me. He received a lot of praises as he walked up to us.

I waited as he got directly in front of me. I just stood there silently while watching him.

He met my stare head on and I smirked inside me.

He seemed egotistical and full of himself. He watched me as if I was a bug beneath him.

He is new I suppose. All the old recruits know better than to underestimate me. I thought

I might as well use it to my advantage.

I turned to Stephen "it's been a while I sparred Stephen. What's his name"

Stephen looked at me and said through gritted teeth "his name is Dash"

Stephen continued to give me a look that said to leave the boy alone.

I ignored it and turned to Dash "I want to spar with you. Hand to hand combat"

He smiled "my plessure your majesty"

He left to get ready and I was also doing same when I felt someone pull me back.

My back connected with a big muscular chest and I felt his breath on my ear as he whispered to me " take it easy on him"

I felt blood rush to my head as he rubbed his rough hands up and down my arms.

I gathered my jumbled thoughts and pulled away as anger coursed through my veins. I concealed my anger with an innocent smile and said "you lost the right to tell me what to do a long time ago"

I saw the hurt flash across his eyes before he quickly hid it. I felt bad but he never felt bad for me.

He nodded and run a hand through his hair " I'm sorry your majesty. Just don't kill him"

I stared at his slightly bowed head for a while and nodded.

I turned away abruptly and sneered. I hated it when people bowed to me.

I don't deserve it. I'm not meant for the throne. All the more reason why I'm not really bothered by this so called truce.

I feel my anger slowly rising and I know by now my eyes are blood red.

Another strange thing. My eyes seem to change color with my emotions. They look a deep blood red when I'm mad.

People say I look possessed when it happens. I don't really think about it much though. Just another oddity to add to the long list.

I got to the sparring ring that was just selected out to serve as a place for minor duels and stuff. There is an arena that is for major fights and challenges.

Dash was already there with a smug look on his face.

My anger slowly left me as I saw my five sisters standing around the ring. I sighed and thought to myself

This is going to be a long match

I smiled and thought again good thing I love fighting

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