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"HELLO," A sweet voice greeted the pale looking man

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"HELLO," A sweet voice greeted the pale looking man. "h–hello," the man with [h/c] greeted politely. he had been to a previous specialist whom had just recently passed away due to a tragic car accident, but before the infectious disease specialist doctor could die, he suggested [name] to go to kocho shinobu, a famous infectious disease specialist.

[last name] [name] was diagnosed by mr. haruki that he was diagnosed with meningitis. meningitis is inflammation of the fluid and membranes (meninges) surrounding your brain and spinal cord. [name] had been suffering with meningitis only recently, more specifically, two days.

the part of speech in his well-developed brain had been affected by his sickness, making him stutter all the time. his lack of memory skills is also bringing him nothing but agony. he couldn't even remember his own mother.

"i-is this k-kocho s-shinobu–?" he asked, blinking at the ravenette with purple tips. he couldn't remember what room he was in. "yes, i am kocho shinobu," the purple haired girl smiled kindly.

"i-i'm so sorry– if– be rude," he was also having major difficulties in speaking full sentences. "come in and sit," the woman beckoned for him to sit with a smile. [name] slowly walked towards the chair before pulling it behind and sitting on it with a small smile, he was trying to be polite, but he couldn't help but forget who she was.

"who are you– again, miss?" [name] blinked as shinobu blinked at him. she pursed her lips curiously at what illness does this man have before she smiled. "i'm kocho shinobu," she reminded. "oh– oh! yes yes! the doctor, i-i'm so sorry," he apologized again as he read a small note from his mom to visit the doctor named 'kocho shinobu', since she wasn't able to accompany him due to having to take care of his also sick older sister.

[name] peaked down at the note before handing it to shinobu. "doctor– mom– give me this to give you that– since i can't r-remember well," he said silently, he blushed rather embarrassingly. he felt rather shy and embarrassed around the female.

shinobu peaked down at the note as she hurriedly scanned the note before her smile fell into a frown. 'bacterial meningitis?' she thought to herself. 'that's deadly!' she thought as she looked up at [name]. she peered into his [e/c] eyes. laid behind his sparkling [e/c] eyes, she could see the desperateness and hopefulness to live. he was desperate to grasp on to hope. he didn't want to die yet. he still wanted to be with his older sister and his mother.

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