Angry blitz

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Rainbow dash POV
Blitz has it."Ahhhhhhh!"he yells in anger.Man that looks powerful than mine."I don't care if this is a duty for you and your idiotic plans,but hear me out,NO ONE HURTS DASH!!"he yelled at him as he picked him up from his throat."DASH!We need to stop him!"flame shouts at me.Blitz is getting so mad his shirt just got roped his eyes are blue but this kind of magic anger is different from mine.Blitz continues choking the commander,but the dude already passed out."Blitz!Calm down."I said calmly to him.He looks at me,Hus eyes they aren't blue blue,its baby blue,meaning he's afraid of something."Dash?"he asked.Then he let go of the dude and went to me and huged me."Dash you ok.?"he asked me as he looks all over my body."Dash.Your side is bleeding and your arms and legs."he said.Yup now I can't walk." let's get out of here."Flame said.He's all so hurt,but he's with so much blood."Right behind you."blitz said.He caries me bridal style and started to fly.Flame starts shooting fire from his hands making him fly.
Something is ringing."What's that?"flame asked."Its my communicator."I said as I look for it in my poket.I finally found it and answered it."Dash!Theyre attacking us!they opened a portal making them get their doubles out!This dude that looks exactly like me is here,and he's so annoying!Plz come asap my soldiers can't handle it."then the communicator got cut.
"What?how can it be?"flame said."We have to hurry up,my brother and your sister are there.They can't activate their powers if your not near them."blitz said.What my sister has the same power as me?What the heck is going on.Then a black whole appears in the sky."What's that?!"flame said."that's coming from canterlot!"blitz said."Let me carry you,I'll go faster...flame you know what to do."I said.I put my hand on flames shoulder."DRAGON FIRE!"he yelled and flew faster than anything in the world.

Scoots POV
"Get the blue one!"I shouted as I shoot around me."Azu careful"Scootaroll said as he shoots a KSS in the shoulder."Great out of load!"he said as he throws the guns to the floor.This guy is pretty cool."Haha out of ideas already?"I said as I cut a KSS stomach."N-"WUBA WUBA YOUR GETTING YOUR SELFS A PROB!"Vynil said as he takes out his bass cannon.I look around me.All of the guys and girls go behind me protecting me.Even though I left them they steel care about me."We got your back"Twilight said as she smiles at me."AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"then the most unexpected thing happened.the grownd crashes, little bit of pices blow and flames and blue wind.The dust covers them up.We all turn and stop for a moment to see what it is.Then red flame apears full of red and orange flames his eyes red and his shirt off.In his side blitz comes out mad as in actual blue wind like dash and his eyes a deep shade if blue his shirt roped and full of blood,Then dash comes out with blue wind,but no its not its normal blue its deeper blue meaning she's on her second stage,her shirt riped, making you see her deep cuts her shorts almost ripped too,her mouth full of blood but she cleans it,her hands and legs full of cuts.They walk straight to us and stand in front of our whole group."YOU SAID YOU WILL ATTACK IN 5 WEEKS!"dash shouted to them."Nope we said the war will last for 5weeks,the reason we want to destroy your school and your city is because there's a powerful dark power bellow this whole area,and like always you all go and ruin our plans."King sombra said as he laughs evely."So you should say goodbye to your school,your city,your lings,and your loved ones."he said evily."No,if you want this school you'll have to fight us,there's no way you will destroy this school ."Blitz said mad."Why do you even care.You don't belong here."Queen sombra stepped in the conversation.
Rainbow dash POV
I grip my hand."Belong or not belong,I made bonds with people,I started to feel accepted,and loved,...that's if you want to kill all my friends here and destroy this school,you'll have to kill me first because I will fight next to them,life or death bring it because losing my friends is the worst that can happen in this battle."Blitz said."Everyone here is a family,and what your messing with is our family,we will protect it!"Flame said."Let's get this over with."I said as I raise my hand ,meaning for all the people behind me attack."Blitz!"A boy that looks almost like scoots shouted as he hugs blitz."Hey little bro."Blitz said to him."Sorry to break it to you two,but we're in the middle of a fight."scoots said.The boy smiles at her and walks up to her."Fine let's go.SCOOTASTORM!"
Well there you go one chap it took a lot of time

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