Queens vs Dash

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Rainbow blitz pov
This war had lasted for hours,I guess you its already a day long now.

Its really painful seeing your girl getting hurt wen you can't even move.

My head hurts allot.But I can say that the fight of dash vs the queens is pretty much bad than the war.They are killing each other out there

Rainbow dash POV
I'm pretty much beaten up,my body is telling me to stop the pain runs up to muscles.I'm really sore right know.

"I'm surprised...I thought you couldn't survive at first."Queen Christalis said."But let's see if you can survive this,I'm going to end this,its taking so long."Queen Sombra said evilly.

I flinch,my stomach is hurting allot,my shirt that once was white is now splashed with dots of red,and scratches.So are my as and legs.

"Let's beggin!"They both said.Each one of them shoot me with big green balls right in my shest and stomach,I can nearly breath.

"DASH!!NO RUN!!"I can hear blitz shout in my left.I try to get up but fall in my stomach."Get up,don't tell me you already gave up that easely?"Queen sombra said as she kicks me,making me fly and crash to this rock,making my back make a crack sound.

I can only yell the pain in me.I let my head go down,but it will only do it worst they would struck me that green thing again in my chest.'I can't I I just can't move.'I thought to my self.

Is this over?Am I going to die like this?"DASH!!"I year blitz voice multiple times in my head.Is this how my friends going to die too?The world would end like this?Should I just give up?

Allot of questions popp in my mind.
"Child,my dearest child,why should you give up?Right in the muddle of caose,in the middle of death?Fight for what is right,Fight for your victory.My dash doesn't give in that easely.
That voice its so familiar
Yes my child,you know you are so much like me,but you represent more loyalty to your friends.Look around you,your friends are depending on you,they played their lives right there in front of your hands,why giving up?When your sister,friends and parents are there fighting along side you.You know what I see?A big family fighting back for what is right, look and feel their feelings and hopes.Their voices.Yes you can dash,My dashie can crush anyone with just a glare.Magic doesn't run out,its made by heart,listen to it dear,listen to your loved ones because you are not alone.I love you and I want you to win this fighting nonsense.

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