Chapter 4

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Bryan was a very fit 💪 and tall guy who had super hearing👂🤩 and could hear anything, even a whisper from the other side of the world and he loves to use his ability to eavesdrop and has always wanted to be a detective 🕵️‍♀️. He was one of the best detectives that Australia had ever seen. Yousof, had a big hAiry moustache that stretched from one ear to another, but other than that he loved to gossip and had to know EVERYTHING 💅🏼 👨‍❤️‍👨. Logan was a very short man barely coming in at 5 foot but he had the smarts to make up for his height. He was able to solve any maths equation at the click of his finger. He knew every single word in the dictionary and he knew how to speak EVERY language in the whole world 😉. Kayne had an amazing haircut and had amazing hair and he loved to paint and was quite good at it because his super eyesight really came into place. He could see through walls, doors, floors and anything else.

They all had figured out something that changed their lives. They figured out that if they put all of their powers together that they had the ability to read minds and feelings 🤯. They could know what a person was really feeling even if they didn't know (invasion of privacy? 🤨). They sometimes sit in chapels in Vegan Vegas so they can see if a person actually wanted to get married or if it was a charade. 

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