Chapter 15

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It had been 2 months since Ryle's death and Hayley was not doing so well. She also couldn't take it anymore and killed herself. She died while Cassie and Fred were asleep. Cassie walked into the bathroom and saw her mum on the floor. Dead. Not breathing. Blue. Dead. Her first instinct was to grab her brother and go to Heidi's house 😃. She was in tears and saw Heidi. "Mum's dead Cassie Hehehehehe lol imagine pretending to like someone 💀" Cassie said. Sydney overheard Cassie's laughing and ran to Heidi, Fred on the floor crying 🥲. She too joined them. Hayley was her best friend. Sydney knew what she had to do. She had to adopt Cassie and Fred but she couldn't. She could only adopt Cassie because Fred was dead. 

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