Chapter Two

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Golden's eyes fluttered open. It had been a day now, and she had taken a moment to process all that happened a few hours before. Just a day before, she went hunting, got attacked by a fox, was saved by a tom named Firestar that she fell for, got imprisoned by that tom, and now resided in "Thunderclan." How she got herself into these situations, she would never guess. Rising to her paws, she stretched and yawned, taking in the cats around her. The immediate memory of Firestar and how he had gracefully saved her melted her heart, and she felt a buzz of energy from the tip of her ears cascade down into the tip of her tail. She had been watching the clan cats for a few hours, how they would perform daily activity and give her dirty glances. Golden ignored them, focusing on when Firestar would return for her. She smiled warmly, and paced back and forth expectantly. She couldn't stop thinking of him OWO!!

She watched Firestar exit his den as he turned to greet his clanmates, before jumping onto a large rock centered in-between the middle of Thunderclan's camp to call a meeting.

Golden watched cats melt into place almost automatically, conversing about the news of the new stranger. Some sounded displeased, but Golden wasn't listening.

Suddenly, two cats approached Golden, taking her off guard. One was an all brown-and-white she-cat, while the other had beautiful golden-tabby fur, also a she-cat.

"Hey." The brown she-cat meowed firmly. "Firestar wants you to come up to the highrock, he says you need to attend the meeting."

Golden blinked. "Uhh, Highrock? There are a lot of rocks I see, which one is it?"

The brown she-cat face-palmed. "Urgh, rogues and kittypets I swear..the highrock is that big rock in the center of camp Firestar is sitting on, it's pretty hard to miss."

Golden followed The brown she-cats gaze toward the rock and nodded. "Oh. My bad." she meowed gingerly. She fought the urge to be hostile towards this she-cats rather rude attitude, but afraid of upsetting Firestar, she bit her tongue.

Golden padded her way over, scrambling up the rock as she sat next to Firestar. He greeted her with a swish of his tail as the cats around them fell silent.

"Thunderclan, we have a new visitor who will be staying inside of Thunderclan camp until she is dismissed. She is a rogue who has trespassed onto Thunderclan territory, and as the new rule we have applied follows, all rogues will be imprisoned inside of the camp until we send them out to leave. That way, most of them don't return."

Cats around them let out growls and hisses, pointing and snarking at Golden as she felt rather offended. "Look at her vibrant-honey-colored pelt! What kind of cat looks like that?" one called out, though Golden couldn't make out the voice, hearing it for the first time.

"Another outsider in Thunderclan? Great, first kittypets, exiled clan members, and now rogues!" another complained.

Thunderclan welcomed in kittypets? Golden thought curiously. She couldn't tell who they were referring to at all. The kittypets she grew up around were plump and had multi-colored collars around their necks. No cat seemed to have that here. Golden shivered, unless those Kittypets disappeared for a reason.

Firestar shot up. "Silence! I have not finished speaking. Golden is a prisoner, that is true. But it does not mean you should treat her with any disrespect. We are Thunderclan, humble and woke ;) treat her as if you are treating any other clan member, be formal."

"But she doesn't have Thunderclan blood!" a black tabby complained.

Golden twitched her ear in agitation.

"Blood is all the same. We all bleed red, no matter where we originate from. I might've been a kittypet, that is true, but I have led Thunderclan into the right direction, and it is thanks to me you are not dealing with Bluestar or Tigerclaw." Firestar replied.

Golden Fire (my warrior cat oc x firestar :3!!) read or elseWhere stories live. Discover now