Chapter Four

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4 days had passed since Golden had been put under Thunderclan's inspection. With Firestar's brief encouragement, clan cats had started to warm up to Golden, though vaguely. As she was put under more duties such as clearing out the Elders dirty dens and helping Apprentices when their mentors where ill, she had become accepted, though still below the others. Today she was going to revisit Goldenflower's kits. Frostfur, another queen in the Nursery, had encouraged her as Tawnykit and Bramblekit were getting lonely without any other kits to play with, so Golden, though much, much older than a kit, decided to entertain them, as she was not cleaning out elder ticks again.

"Hi, Goldenflower and Frostfur," Golden greeted warmly. Goldenflower nodded towards her, and let her sit next to Frostfur. "How are the kits?" Golden asked.

"They are doing well." Goldenflower meowed, watching Tawnykit and Bramblekit tackle each other as they wrestled and hissed. Golden wished she had a sibling she would have fought with like that, but she was less fortunate.

"They are growing up to be big cats," Golden speculated, lashing her tail warmly as they bounded up to her. "Golden! Golden! Want to play kit and leader?" Tawnykit meowed excitedly.

Golden mrrowed. "I'm a little old for that game, don't you think?"

"Please?" Bramblekit pleaded. "My mom says I scare all the warriors in camp! I'm tough!"

Goldenflower whished her tail rather angrily and drew her muzzle close to Frostfur's. "It's not fair that he is always compared to his father, Bramblekit is just a kit, yet I keep seeing him getting glances."

Golden knew she wasn't supposed to eavesdrop, but she couldn't help but eye Goldenfower in curiosity. Bramblekit and Tawnykit's father must've been an awful cat. Was he one of the exiled cats Firestar had been talking about?

Just then, a head poked into the brackens, clearing Golden's thoughts. "Is Golden in here? We'd like her to meet some of the clanmates now that she has proved herself trusting enough," a familiar voice questioned. Golden recognized it as Brackenfur. Another tom close to Firestar, he was a younger warrior, but he was friendly enough. Despite Tawnykit and Bramblekit's protests, Golden shrugged and followed him outside.

"Firestar wanted me to to introduce you to everybody," Brackenfur meowed. "You remember me, right?"

Golden twitched her tail. "Yes, you're the young warrior that's overly friendly."

Brackenfur seemed hesitant. "Um, first impression?"

Golden nodded. "Yes. Don't take it to heart, I like you, you're a decent cat."

Brackenfur nodded and began to explain to her all the Thunderclan cats present. The cats in the Nursery, Goldenflower, Frostfur, and Willowpelt were all queens that would care for kits quite frequently. Brackenfur explained them as kind and caring she-cats that were easy to get along with. Golden nodded, though she didn't know Willowpelt that well.

Then, there were the elders. Golden recognized some of them, One-eye, Dappletail, and Smallear as she spent most of her time caring for their elderly needs!!!! She wasn't quite sure why Brackenfur had depicted them as nice or even understanding. To her they were old grumpy and whiny of all of the time.

Then there were the warriors. Sandstorm, Brackenfur, Whitestorm, Darkstripe, Runningwind, Longtail, Smudgepelt, Cloudtail, Brightheart, Ravenwing, Mousefur, and Dustpelt. Golden briefly recalled some of her interactions with them, mainly Sandstorm. Who seemed to still be sore about her rather out of nowhere arrival. Golden preferred to distance herself, especially around Firestar, Something about her being around Firestar nearly blew that cat's top, and Golden still had no idea why.

Golden Fire (my warrior cat oc x firestar :3!!) read or elseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora