Chapter Five

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Golden awoke as a small leaf fluttered onto the tip of her light-pink nose. Golden in response, sneezed. Awakening herself rather quickly. Getting up, she remembered the promise she had made to herself about Firestar. Would she really have the courage to tell him? Her ears flattened. Before, she was certain, but now, she was starting to feel shy again. Rushing out of her den, she re-entered the Thunderclan camp wide-eyed. It was now or ever, she might as well find Firestar and tell him before her final day at Thunderclan camp ran out.

"Firestar?" Golden called out, daring to enter his den. She knew she wasn't allowed beyond that point, but she was determined to tell Firestar her deepest secret. Silently and as quickly as she could, she ran up to his nest, only to see no cat was there. "Firestar?" Golden called out again, noticing the ruffled up nest he usually slept in was empty.

"Somecat looks excited to see me," Firestar smiled from behind, startling Golden. "Are you ready to be dismissed from Thunderclan camp? I assume you are quite eager to leave."

Golden's hackles dropped. Did Firestar really believe that? Or was he teasing her?

"Actually, there was something I needed to tell you, Firestar. You know, when I first arrived at Thunderclan, I really wasn't sure I was going to like it here, but now that I've settled in, I really want to stay. You've shown me so much about clan-life, and I've met so many friends. Back at Carrionplace, I had no cat. I lived alone. To be honest, I didn't like my old life as a rogue, it was lonely and all I knew beyond the Carrionplace was fighting and hostility. But here, things are so much more lively. I feel like I'm a part of a family, would you let me stay? Or is the deal sealed?"

Firestar stared at her for a moment, and placed a paw on her shoulder. "Nah get out"

Golden's eyes glistened. "You're kicking me out..?"

"Just kidding." Firestar said. "You remind me a lot of my younger self. Back when I was still a kittypet, I didn't like my life that much either. But when I traversed beyond the fence and found out about life in the forest, I realized there was more opportunity. Things have been hard since I have become leader, too. I lost a great friend of mine, Graystripe, and now we can't kiss."

Golden held her breath. Where was Firestar going with this?

"We've been needing more cats. The traditions here just aren't the same. Golden, would you like to join Thunderclan and become my super awesome mate and the leading female of our clan??"

OMG!!! Yes mi amor OoWo!! Golden said epicly and then um sandstorm got super mad.

"Omg I loved you too Firestar!!! I thought you wouldn't feel the same :(" Golden said. Golden tensed as Firestar placed a paw on hers!!!!

"I always found you attractive, Golden!!!! Fireheart sayd. "You have been my favorite since you joined Thunderclan."

'Really?" Golden's eyes widened. He had to be lying!!

"Yes, you appear as a fierce and strong molly on the outside, but inside you are sweet and protective of others around you. I've taken into consideration how you act with around kits too. You are perfect, Golden, and I would choose no other cat to be with."

Now Sandstorm was super uber mad. She would get her revenge >:((

After what seemed like an eternity, Firestar cleared his throat. "You know, Cinderpelt told me there were two cats that were chasing after me, but I always thought she was referring to Spottedleaf, and she's dead. She's a voice in my head now, but you, Golden, you're real. I can see the potential you have in supplying us with great choices and new ideas. It was obvious Sandstorm likes me, just by the way she would act, but she's a reckless hot-head. That's not who I want. Please prove me right, Golden."

"You'll let me join your clan?" Golden meowed in a soft tone. "But I'm a rogue! You said the other cats would dislike me."

"And I'm a kittypet and the super evil I mean super awesome leader." Firestar recorrected. "But," his voice got serious again, and Golden stiffened. "But what?"

"You will have to learn everything about the Warrior code, and devote all your energy into caring for Thunderclan. You may not return to your old ways, and you will have to be renamed and give me lots of kits!1 OWO.

"Rename me?" Golden echoed. "I don't see anything wrong with my already present name."

Firestar nudged her. "If you belong to a clan you earn a clan name, but I promise I'll make it extra special to you. I've renamed cats in the past and they have never been disappointed."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you all of this sooner until the last day." Golden said in her honey-sweet tone!! "It was just, I was worried about Sandstorm, and at the time I was too nervous that if I said anything about you I'd give everything away."

Firestar nuzzled her OwOingly!! "Its okay babe!! :)" he meowed sussingly.

However, just outside of Firestar's den, a certain pale-tabby she-cat had been passing by. Sandstorm watched them, and as her fur bristled with rage, she couldn't help but admit maybe Firestar had been right about Golden. She was beautiful, courageous, and level-headed. What had she been to Firestar? A pushy bully? Sandstorm's shoulders weakened as her heart was torn into fragile pieces. Ever Since Firestar had saved her at the gorge she had loved him, and she was so certain after Cinderpelt and Spottedleaf got naenaed that he would be hers..but wasn't too-too late. Suddenly, the pained, dismayed gaze turned into one of enragement. She would not let out of all cats a rogue take away Firestar from her, even if it meant doing something against the Warrior Code.

As Sandstorm slipped into Golden's nest, she took a big steamer on her mossbed. "This'll teach her for stealing my boyfriend >:)" Sandstorm said as she dashed out of the den. From now on, Golden's nest would be the dirtplace.

"Sandstorm?" Golden called out, causing Sandstorm to freeze. Golden gave her a warm smile, and gave her an understanding glance. "I know you saw everything back there, and I was just wondering..I know you used to really, really hate me, even when I first joined, but now that Firestar is my mate and now we have no reason to fight anymore, wanna be friends?"

Golden stared at the pale-tabby she-cat with hope, but Sandstorm remained sour. "Are you serious? What are you trying to do, mock me? You took away a lot from me, you mangy rogue!"

Golden's ears flattened. "I didn't mean to, but Firestar said he only sees you as a friend, I'm sorry."

Sandstorm's eyes glittered with hatred. The sun was setting now and red, orange, and yellow flashed around the two as Honey tried her best to reconcile the broken-hearted warrior. "You were supposed to leave today! Why are you staying?" Sandstorm growled, circling around Golden. It eerily reminded her of the fox that almost costed her her own life from so many moons ago.

"Because..I wanted to join Thunderclan. I've realized how much happier I am here, you understand that, don't you Sandstorm?"

Sandstorm paused. "If it means that much to you." she snapped. "Go ahead, become the leading female, or deputy. Whatever Firestar called it. Obviously I don't need to worry about what he's feeling anymore, now do I? Not if the honey-sappering rogue is in the camp! Oh Starclan, we're saved!" she meowed sarcastically.

Golden softened. "Sandstorm, I know you're really bitter about this, but I'm being sincere about offering you my friendship. We can still be friends, you're not going to hate me forever, are you?"

"Check your nest and you'll have your final answer." Sandstorm smirked, bounding back to the Warrior Den without another word. What did she do to my nest? Golden wondered, did she want to know?

"Oh. She made dirt in it." Golden sighed. Tattling wouldn't do anything, so she shove the dirty nest aside and went to fetch another. Firestar stopped her.

"You aren't still planning to sleep in the prisoners den, are you? It's much warmer in the leader's den." he suggested. "You are a clanmate now."

Golden tried to hide the messed up nest Sandstorm ruined from her now mate. "Oh, sure! I'll meet you there..haha.."

Would Sandstorm hate her forever now? Would being the leading female be a good thing? 

Golden Fire (my warrior cat oc x firestar :3!!) read or elseWhere stories live. Discover now