2: The Other Side

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When I woke up again, I was staring at a ceiling that was not my own, in a bed that was also not my own. 

Needless to say, I was kinda freaked out.

My first thought was that I had fucked around and gotten myself kidnapped, but after looking around the room and seeing mostly medical supplies, I realized that probably wasn't the case. 

My next thought was that I had landed myself in a hospital. A very pink, bubblegum-y hospital. The room was adorned in golden accents, and to my right there was a big window overseeing a view that you would've never gotten in my city. 

So that left only one question. (Actually it left many questions, but there was one main one)

Where the fuck was I? 

My question was (kinda) answered when a very big and pink lady with wings entered the room. I was so focused on the two giant limbs behind her that I barely noticed she was speaking to me.

"Hello, my name is Queen Angella. Do you know where you are?" 'A queen?', her voice was soft as she spoke, but also firm and expecting. Like I had no choice but to answer. 

"No." I spoke honestly, "I'm Y/n."

She nodded, "Well Y/n, you are in the Brightmoon Palace. My daughter said she found you in the woods, and that you had blacked out..?" 

I winced, "That sounds about right. E-excuse me if this is rude but, where exactly is Brightmoon at? I've never heard of it." 

Surprise filled her features, "You've never?...- Never mind. Its on the east side of Etheria." 


She paused for a moment, "You said your name was Y/n correct? That is a name I've never heard before... Where are you from?"

"I..." I sucked in a breath, "I'm from a small town in Tennessee," her face twisted in confusion, "In America?" (A/n: Just for now, say you live in America lmao)

She seemed to relax, but her face morphed into one of pity, "Oh my. In whatever accident you had, your memory must've been jostled up. I'll have the nurse come back in and check on you. And, I'll have someone bring a map in for you. Maybe it'll help you figure yourself out." 

"Your welcome to roam the palace, however I will be having a guard escort you wherever you need to go. As harsh as it is I can't let a stranger explore the palace on their own, what with the Horde practically on our door step."

And with a couple clicks of her heels, she was gone.

- On the other side of the door - 

Angella left the infirmary swiftly, hoping to grab a map from the cartography shelf in the library before the idea left her mind. 

But on the way back she encountered her daughter and friends who were probably getting ready for the meeting they had in a couple minutes. 

"Glimmer," the girl turned around with an annoyed look. 

"Yes mom?" 

Ignoring the defiance Angella continued, "I would like you to take this too our guest in the infirmary. They seem to be having memory issues, so I'm hoping that this will help slightly."

Glimmer nodded, grabbing the rolled up map and starting down the hall with Adora and Bow hot on her heels. 

"Sooo, what did your mom want us to do?" Bow asked, suspicious.

The pink-ette waved a hand in the air dismissively, "She just wants me to take this map of Etheria to the person in the Infirmary. You know, the one in weird clothes that we found yesterday?" 

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐬 - 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now