4: First Mission

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The next couple of days I spent in Brightmoon were some of the funnest I'd ever had. I got to tour around the city with the Golden Trio, which was pretty funny because we got lost several times. 

And also because I got to mess around with whatever technology I could, although that part wasn't the greatest considering I had no idea what I was doing. Bow told me that the last person in Brightmoon who was good at tech had gone to the other side of the war, so it was kind of a miracle that I showed up when I did. 

"Y/n?" Adora walked into my room. Yes. You heard me. My room. 

After explaining everything about my situation to Angella, she gave me my own room, on the promise that my stay was temporary. And, that I would help around in whichever way I could.

It was the smallest room that I was offered, but it was still larger than my apartment and workshop combined. 

There used to be a queen sized bed in the center of my room, but I opted just to expand my window seat and sleep on that. And the center of my room was filled with any tools and scraps that were given to me. 

And there was also a closet on the left side of the room, but I left that alone for the most part.

So, with the condition that I would be allowed to stay here as long as I worked, It was no surprise when Adora after I got settled in and asked me if I wanted to go on a mission with them, to help with tech things. 

And who was I to say no?

- - - 

Adora sighed before deciding to strike up a conversation,"I still can't believe Entrapta's working for the Horde." 

We we're walking through the whispering woods, on our way to this mission that they needed help with. 

So far, I've been able to gather that 'Entrapta' was the person who used to help them with tech, but switched to the Hordes side. 

"Shadow weaver messed with her mind, she must've." She spoke the word with such desperation that it made me feel bad for her. 

Glimmer looked away shrugging, "I don't know... she seemed normal when we talked to her. Entrapta normal, but still. She wants to be with the Horde."

"I mean, they do have better tech than us..." she mumbled. 

Meanwhile I walked behind Bow, cringing as he tried to fix one of his tech-y arrows with his welding arrow. His welding arrow was one of the first gadgets of his he'd shown to me, and is very useful for someone who carries a quiver of arrows around everywhere. 

"But we have magic on our side!" Glimmer finished with a triumphant smile. 

Bow suddenly spoke up, "Magic and tech aren't totally separate things. Entrapta is one of the only people who really understands that. She got closer to combining them than anything else. And...now she's with the Horde." 

'Magic and tech huh? Maybe that's something I could dabble in while I'm here.'

I ducked under a tree branch, pulling out spurs and other various forest-y things that got in my hair and clothes. New clothes, I should say. When I went on that tour of Brightmoon, Glimmer made sure that clothes were some of the first things we bought. 

Glimmer and Adora turned around at Bow's realization and he put one hand on his hip, "W-well, who needs Entrapta? We've got Bow, Tech master and premier member of the Etherian Makers community! And Y/n of course." 

Suddenly the arrow Bow was working on exploded, and I had to stifle a laugh. 

"AHOY!" A voice shouted from the sky. At first I thought it was Angella, but the voice was distinctly masculine.

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