Chapter 5

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Once Y/N had gotten home she couldn’t help but think about the flowers. She gently placed them in a vase and smelt them.

I...I really like him, but I’m just too shy to tell him...

Like? What am I talking about? I love him. He just is so sweet and caring. Just like that time Celestine invited me to their team building...


. . .

2 weeks ago

The scenery was beautiful. It was an open and wide field, with country vibes. With green hills and mountains in the distance, but...

Every one had gotten carsick. They all sat down puking or taking deep breaths. Kiki and Rosa set a folding chair down for Y/N.


She held her chest, trying to fight the urge to vomit, with Rosa rubbing her back, and she heard a angry female voice.

Celestine Taylor.

"I cannot believe you! This is what exactly happens when I put you in charge! Everyone got car sick! Why were you working in the bus? Did you think your partner would do nothing? Did you think everyone else wouldn’t do the same? The mountain roads are enough to make people sick, and staring at their laptops only made it worse!"

Rosa stood up, holding onto a tree to support herself.

"Celestine, that isn’t what happened...."

Rosa told Celestine how Artem and gotten a call and started working and she had followed suit, feeling uncomfortable and made everyone else start a chain reaction.

"And that’s why... ugh."
"Okay, okay, stop talking!"

Celestine made Rosa sit down and glared at Artem.

"It’s still your fault! If you hadn’t start then everybody wouldn’t have followed!"
"... You’re right. I should have been more aware of my action as they could have affected the employees. I’m very sorry."
"But... then I am responsible too... I started the chain reaction... I should have been able to take care of myself and make my own judgments. Celestine, that’s why I own half of the responsi-"

What a perfect time to throw up, Rosa thought.

Celestine smiled, maybe due to the ending of Rosa’s act.

"Forget it, I am responsible too. After all, I put a workaholic in charge of the bus. Well, how about this I’ll bring the others to a farm nearby. Y/N is in a bad shape, so, you can stay here and take care of her."
"You should rest. When you are ready, head over to the stream and try and fish."

She gently laughed and patted on her back, then lead the group of workers towards the farm, leaving Artem and Y/N alone.

"Wait here for me."

Artem returned with a cup of water.

"Sniff this first."

Artem held up freshly cut ginger to her nose, the spicy smell going to her head and made her feel better somehow. Artem handed the cup to her, which had steam wafting from it and a slight smell of vinegar.

"I added some vinegar it will help with the carsickness."

She reached for the cup but he held onto it.

"I’ll hold onto it, just drink."

Y/N had no energy to fight so she allowed Artem to hold onto as she took slow took small sips, and felt the carsickness fade away as the warm water and vinegar soothed her stomach.

Artem Wing x Y/N (fem)Where stories live. Discover now