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The cover picture for this chapter is Ramin Karimloo, who would be an amazing Anden. He was Feuilly, Enjolras, and Jean Valjean in Les Mis.

It's happening again. Day's family is in trouble. His brother is all he has left. If Eden's gone...I can't even think of it. I'm responsible, for all of this. Day, the Republic's hero, is vulnerable again. After he told me, he was trembling. Day, the legend, trembling at my feet, vulnerable to someone who, to him, is little more than a stranger. I need to find out who did this. Think June, think. Details flit through my head. He was late coming back from his job interview. He's up for a job high enough that Anden would be there. Anden. He's my first step. Even after we broke up, he always went to me before making big decisions, he trusts me. I hope I can trust him.

I'm in the Elector's office. I've been here so many times that I know it by heart. 40x70 feet of half foot square marble tiles, walls covered in dark cherrywood. A five foot desk painted black with ornate designs carved out of wood, where a touchscreen hologram pops up, a gift from Antarctica last year. A muted Jumbotron on one wall, and the former Elector's portrait behind Anden's seat. It's so similar to my dean secretary's office, I can almost laugh. Usually I do, tease him. But not now. I once asked Anden why he puts his father's portrait up, and he explained that it was a tradition. Now I sit across from the Elector himself, a happier, more people-friendly version of his father's portrait.

"June, I've told you. Once the job interview was finished at exactly 7:05 pm, I shook his hand, and he walked right out the door. I even saw him get on the train. Great kid, great thinker, really innovative." I trust Anden, and why would he have any reason to lie?

"Thanks Anden."

Once Tess heard, she was so worried. I guess on the streets she got so used to hearing about Eden, she pretty much knows him inside out, or at least a lot better than me. So I know Eden went missing somewhere between the train and their apartment. We got rid of workers dangerously close to the train working booths, attendanta, and operating, so now onlu passengers inside the train and we rely completely on Antarctica's technology. The other workers made less space, and less money to be made because less seats. After all, it used to be one attendant per booth of six. I try to talk to Day, but he's a wreck.

"Come on, think. Were you watching the window, or just waiting? I need to know when you figured out he was missing, too."

"I was watching the station the whole time. He didn't come with the 7:30 train, or 8:00. By 8:30, I was sure he was missing, so I went to eat dinner."

"Eden got on the train at the Batalla station at 7:05. He should of come out at 7:30. Did you have any enemies in Antarctica? Any reasons for someone trying to blackmail you, hurt you?"

"The government. I found ways around their systems. Found ways to do what I wanted to do, while earning more points than their President. They knew I did something. Eden, though, I don't know why they would go after Eden. Eden was the perfect model for them. Always good, barely getting nicked points. Homework always done, always on time, always helping, always cleaning. "

Typical. Government. Day's enemy, anywhere. "Thanks Daniel, I'll look into it." I can't disappoint him. I spend the night searching the internet for something to do with Antarctica. Finally at 0300 hours, I find an advertisement for a medical school. I have to tell Day. Now. I walk the block, go to Day's.

"Daniel, are you up? I found something."

"I'm up, and now I know why you didn't tell me about you, about the past." His eyes narrow, and I see an emotion I've never seen on him before. At least, never towards me. It's pure hatred. Not even towards the Republic have I seen this on his face. "You don't love, you kill. You killed my family in cold blood, and now that you know where Eden is, you're going to kill him to. Well, not on my watch." His voice becomes softer. "Sorry."

"Daniel, what do you mean, I..." I feel something being clamped into my throat, and then I can't breathe. I swallow, and the world goes dark.

Sorry!!! I swear, I love Day as much as you guys, but you'll see, it'll get better!! I swear Day's not evil!! He's confused!! It's like Valjean's relapse to steal the silver (ish) in Les Mis because Legend is based on Les Mis!!! Sorry for the short chapter!!

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