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I'm so happy to see the readings numbers go up every day and this is my first fan fiction, so I didn't really expect anything. The picture above is Daniel Huttlestone as Gavroche in Les Mis, or Eden.

"Well, Mr. Wing, I had hoped you would come sooner to see your brother." The president's voice is silky smooth, but expressionless, fake.

"I don't understand."

"Well, Mr. Wing, your brother is a guest of his own will. You're free to see him."

"Then why was I not contacted? I can see him? Privately?"

"Oh, I assumed you knew. Of course you may see him."

President Ikari's voice is convincing, calculated. He's giving me free private time with Eden? No catch?

"You may see him now if you like."

"Yes. I would"

I go through the labyrinth of rooms, hallways, and doors. The walls blend in with the ceiling, and blend in with the floors, making everywhere look endless, a visual challenge. No corners, wverything rounds out, and mirrored, making the halls look a hundred times their size. Finally we are led to a door with a single label-665M.

"Daniel! You came to visit!"

"Eden?" I say in amazement, "Why didn't you contact me?What happened? What.."

"Daniel, I'm fine. My phone fell when we came here and wouldn't work."

"Ok. Well, I'm glad you're okay."

"Daniel! You're not Mom. Stop coddling me!"

"I was just worried, okay?"


I walk out.
It's morning here in Antarctica, and I'm invited to visit a new prisoner they captured last night. I don't really care. Why do they want me here? I dress quickly, and walk up Staircase B to Room 9430, where I will meet this special prisoner. As I walk through the door, I see a girl crouched on the ground, dark hair covering her face, one long strand covered in dark blood. The girl's hands are cuffed, the cuffs digging into the skin of her wrists, but she would be able to move around, if not for the soldiers on either side on her, and the wall behind her. The room is empty except for a small screen scrolling current news. Reminds me of thr Jumbotrons back in the Republic, except these, if you have special glasses or embeded chips, make every detail of the boring stories embed into your mind. Minutes later, the President walks in.

"Mr. Wing, so glad you came today. "

At the sound of my name, the girl looks up, but all I can see hidden behind her hair are two eyes, cold and calculated, dark brown with gold flecks in it. I struggle to remember who she is, but then the details fall into place.

"What has Miss Iparis done?" I inquire. She better not have lain one hand on Eden or-

"She was seen breaking into the medical floor last night, and was caught. Her sentencing is tomorrow morning, at 800 hours. I hope you can make it Mr. Wing."


June says one thing. Over and over, tossing the phrase in my mind. Like her mind, her prodigy mind, has stopped.

"What have you done to Tess? Where is she? Is she alive?"

"Oh yes," the President says, "Right. Miss. Iparis is Tess' emergency contact. She's put into the Republic's system as Miss. Iparis' cousin."

I know this is not true. Tess isn't related to June. Tess got kicked out of her home as a kid. But Tess didn't tell me that information. I didn't read it. So who told me this?

"What happened to her!?" June says frantically, like a wild animal they've caged up. I shudder at the thought. But, what did happen to Tess?

"June Iparis, if you want answers, you have to give us answers. What were you doing on the medical floor?"

June bites her lip. "I was looking for answers. Why Mr. WIng's brother went missing."

"Well as you might see, he is a privileged guest here. And Tess is in a critical state, close to death. And it's your fault."

June breaks, falling to the floor. Broken. They've broken her. I can't believe she hurt, tricked Tess too.

"President Ikari, may I see Tess?"

"Of course, Mr. Wing. Miss Iparis, you refuse to give us the information we want-"

"If you're going to threaten me or try to do anything to make me tell life doesn't matter to me. Not anymore. You're a poor lot, and I pity you."

"Miss Iparis, you still are Tess' emergency contact. You may see her. Now."

"Thank you, President Ikari."

We all go down to the hospital floor, and Tess is lying still, an oxygen mask on her face. Within seconds there is a woman, a doctor, who arrives.

"Hello, I'm Doctor York. Your...friend? She is not in a good place to be?"

"What in the world is that supposed to mean?" June spits out.

"She probably won't survive. We don't know."

I'm so angry. Angry at June. She's the cause of this. All of it.

"You killed her," I say, angry.

"You don't understand. Not any of it. You don't understand the years I spent trying just trying...oh forget it. You think I'm awful now, that's all that matters I guess."

I'm surprised. This doesn't sound like the clear, straightforward, analytical June I thought was there. The June who supposedly got 1500 on her Trial, the June who...I can't remember because of my stupid stupid memory loss. Wavering in my mind like a distant memory. She doesn't seem like a girl who would kill my family. She's just sitting there, stroking Tess' hand.

Suddenly, the machines beep, and light up, disturbing my thoughts. But I no longer think June purposely-if at all-killed my family.

"Mr. Wing, Miss Iparis, you'll have to go. Miss Tess here is having an attack. There is too much water in her lungs. Please go."

I'll try to write and update the next chapter really quick because it's kinda short (for me at least) but necessary. Hope you liked this chapter!!

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