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I extremely messed up which character to cast in each chapter, so here is Kaede-Grace Park. Chapters afterwards may take a bit longer from now on.

July 29, 2142
0700 hours
41º Fahrenheit indoors.

3 days before I am to be Slated.

The inside of my cell is so cold that the soldiers are wearing their thickest wool coats. Well, I told Day everything yesterday. He knows, and he wants to break me out. He's not haunted by it, either. The feeling makes me light-headed and happy for the first time since I heard he was coming to LA.

I hear a man knock on the steel door of my cell. From my time here, I've realized there's a different knock for each strand-for example three short taps then a long knock for military personnel. I can hear that this one is a medical knock. Why would they send someone from the medical ward to see me?

The captain of the troop answers the door. I'm amazed. The man behind the door looks exactly like my brother, but older and wearing wire-framed glasses, with graying hair. He's wearing a labcoat and underneath, black pants and a black sweater. From this outfit, he's the head of his ward.

"Excuse me, I have some news for your prisoner. Her friend Tess has woken up," the man says, accentuating prisoner and not using my name. Could it have anything to do with his appearance?

"Go in." The soldier is stern, cold, and to the point.

"Excuse me miss, your friend has woken up."

"Tess? She's awake?" I feel the same weight off of my back that had lifted when Day woke up ten years ago, and a slight trepidation, remembering how I had to pay.

"Yes, she's awake. Now if you'll just come with me, you can see her. " I'm so excited by the man's words.

The soldiers take me and the man to the hospital wing. Who could he be? He looks so familiar, like Metias. But Metias is dead. I saw his body. I went to his funeral. You were once my one companion, you were all that mattered. You were once a friend and father, then my world was shattered... So who is this?

"You're probably wondering who I am, June." How does he know exactly what I'm thinking? "And I'm sad that you don't recognize me. My name is Michael Iparis. I'm your father." What I am is frozen, unable to move. For twenty-two years, I thought he was dead. He left Metias to have to be a father. Passing bells and sculpted angels, cold and monumental, seem the wrong companions for you, you were warm and gentle...Metias.

"Where were you? Why did you leave Metias and I? For what? For twenty two years."

"I had to go, June. But where is your brother? What are you doing in Antarctica?"

"Metias? Like you cared for him. You left him to have to be a father to me when he was supposed to just be a young captain and a brother. He was supposed to have a life. He had to find out what REALLY happened to you, and now he's dead. Okay? He's dead." I lose it, and the grief of Metias comes back to me like it was yesterday. "He's dead, and now I'm going to forget him forever." I will never forget. Metias was a better person than I'll ever be. I'm sorry, Metias. Try to forgive, teach me to live, give me the strength to try..."

"I'm sorry June, but there was nothing I could do." He starts to pat my back, to try to comfort me.

"Don't touch me." I wipe my tears, and go see Tess, the last person who's REALLY my family, the last person who cares for me.

I see her sitting on the hospital bed, smiling.

"Tess?" I run to her, embracing her.

"June! Why are you in chains? What happened?"

"I-I I was trialed and now I'm going to be wiped of my memories in three days."


"Yeah, but the good thing is you're okay!"

"June. This is horrible. And I'm not okay. You're here because I'm awake, but I'm dying. Within the next few days. I'm dying, June." And then I remember. I've heard it before. I'm dying June. Why does this always happen to me?

I incorporated 'Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again' in this chapter, from the musical Phantom Of The Opera.

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