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Above is the Ben Barnes aka Metias.

I'm dreaming again. I see the Skiz ring. It's so familiar. The streets of Lake, the Skiz ring. Yet somehow, I can't remember thus day. Tess is watching the fight. Our money's safe on the crowd favorite-Kaede. Kaede. How do I know that name? As Kaede looks around for her next prey, Tess gets pushed into the ring. NO.There is no way that I'm going to not help her. Goddy trot chose Tess? Suddenly, a girl pushes her way to the ring. Almost unrecognizable, it's June. Common, street beggar clothing. I'm so used to seeing her in military best.

Helping Tess. Taking her place. But why? Then the dream's over. It's over, and I'm stuck with a half formed memory that still remains a mystery. I'm stuck with getting jigsaw pieces, one at a time.

Stupid. Who knows if this is a memory coming back or not? It could just be a dream, made by my mind. I roll over and fall back asleep.

I'm on the roof of Batalla Hall, in the middle of the huge Republic symbol. June's there again, angry, ruthless. I've never seen her like this. This looks like the things Commander Jameson said about her, but it seems unreal.

"Why did you kill my brother?" she asks, and I'm transported to one of the many alleyways around Batalla. In my attempt to steal plague medicine, I've gotten myself into trouble. I'm being chased by a man with dark hair, gold flints in his eyes, a captain named Metias Iparis. June's brother. The resemblance is uncanny. Bone structure, hair, eyes. But I don't kill him. I am sure. I don't.

What are these dreams that haunt my memories? I know there's only one person that has the memories to answer, and she won't have them in four days. Four days to find out what really happened. I remember June's prisoner number. 9430. 9430. Her cell is flanked with a dozen soldiers in perfect Antarctican military uniforms. Dark blue military coats with a double row of gold buttons to match shiny epaulettes, black capes, and black shining boots. She is no longer broken, but glaring at them with an icy cold demeanor, her eyes fierce.

"Soldiers, President Ikari has informed me to tell you that you have a break. I'll call for you if I have any problems." The lie slips out of my mouth so easily, so familiarly. I haven't used the excuse. Someone has though.

"Mr. Wing, we were not informed of a break," the captain, I'm guessing, the most elaborately decorated one says.

"Plans have changed."

They leave, and June is no longer cold. Her eyes are analysing, but her face is one of confusion.

"What really happened? What I forgot?"

"So this is why you're here. You no longer think I wanted to kill your whole family and think that I'm a cold blooded murderer?"

"I have no idea what you have or haven't done, remember? So will you tell me?"

She pauses, and for few minutes I don't think she will. But she does.

"It was November, 2130. I had found out that my older brother Metias had been killed. All signs led to the Republic's famous criminal, Day to have killed him. I was so angry. Metias was not a brother, he was a friend and father as well. Our parents died when I was really young. When he died, my world shattered. So I decided to track down this criminal, my mission led by Commander Jameson, my brother's ruthless commander. All I had to go on was a coin necklace." June's voice is soft, and I can tell it hurts to tell this story. It has to be true. I've never told her about my father's coin necklace, the old United States coin.

"I found Day by accident. I stumbled upon a Skiz fight. A champion, Kaede, was choosing a tiny, fragile looking girl who looked younger than she actually was. Tess. I took her place, got a knife wound, and won. I tried to run away, and I almost failed, if it were not for the boy who saved me. Feelings grew. I followed him one night, following him deeper into Lake, to Figeora and Watson. That night, I had noticed the boy grab at an invisible string at the neck, revealing that he was Day. Soldiers arrested him the next morning. In trying to arrest him, they killed his mother." She doesn't look like she wants to say more. But she HAS to. I know she can't be bad. She can't be. I somehow know she tells the truth. The dream.

"June, you don't have to say more if you don't want to. What I've heard is enough. I'm gonna bust you out of here." It's a plan, perfect and concrete.

"Day, I don't think you can. It's no Batalla Hall. It's Antarctica. The military is way more high-tech."

"So I'll get help from the Patriots. Didn't you say they were friends?"

"At sometime, but they're disbanded and-"

"And Anden? The goddy Elector thinks you're perfect."


I see soldiers coming, so I leave. I go to visit Tess, but as I turn the corner, I bump straight into a man that looks exactly like my dream. Exactly like Metias Iparis.

Hope you enjoyed!! Updates may be a little slow, as I am also starting a new Phantom of The Opera fanfiction.

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