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Sorry for not posting earlier, this is a short chapter but extremely crucial to the plot. Above is the amazing Norm Lewis as President Ikari! Hope you enjoy!

It's the day of my sentencing. No trial, nothing. Just a sentence. I can't help but wonder what they want to do to me. The most painful death possible? Or a quick one? New Antarctican technology? A new method? Or lifelong imprisonment? No, that could cause Republic riots if they don't so something fast. Probably death. Fast, quick, easy, simple. I'll be gone before anything can be done, anyone contacted. I couldn't sleep, but not because I'm going to find out how I'm going to die, because of Tess. She recovered her attack, but that bought her time, that will probably run out. The question is, how long? And how long before she wakes up? Will I be dead and gone before she wakes up? Or will she die before me. I probably look like a mess. Not the Republic's perfect pet, that's for sure. I look into the glass, seperating me from the rest of the world. I see a glint of my reflection. I don't see myself, I see Day. Imprisoned. Useless. They haul me to my feet. What time is it? Would they bother to tell me?

They lead me outside, where the brightness hurts my eyes. On a stage. There are dozens of people. Not a lot though. Not as many as there were at Day's sentencing. I can't help but think of that. On the stage, there's Day, who won't look me in the eye; Eden, who looks extremely worried and stressed, and President Ikari, wearing formal white shirt and a black waistcoat, jacket, cloak, and pants. He's standing behind a microphone, looking cheerful. Probably an act. But he starts, nonetheless.

"Good morning, fellow citizens. We are here for the sentencing of June Iparis of the Republic America, today on July 27th, 2142 at 900 hours. Miss Iparis has obviously committed many, many, crimes," the President says this with an elegant sweep of his black cape, "however, as you all know," he gestures to the audience, "we do not believe in the capital punishment for those from outside our borders. They do not have our superior education and thinking, so they do not know better."

What the hell is that supposed to mean? The Antarcticans. That look down their noses at you, judging your every move. What must it have been like for Day and Eden, coming from the Republic born and raised, to have survived and dealt with this kind of trash?

"However, Miss Iparis will be treated with a blank slate. Forgiven. She can start again..."

There's a catch. There has to be. They're not just going to forgive me. There's no way.

"She will be wiped of her memory. We will target certain memories, like name, family members, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. She will be able to function on her own. But with a different personality, family, friends. She will have a blank slate. This has just been developed fully from our friends in Europe. Miss Iparis will be the first to experience Antarctica's newly developed version of this process, called Slating. She will be Slated on August 1st."

Slating. I'm frozen. I really am. My teen years will be forgotten by both Day and I. I'll forget my loving, overprotective, dead, brother; my loving, dead dog, Tess. Everyone. Dying sounds like a better option. This is horrible. You take away memories, you take away who you are. New name, new family. How will I end up? The same? Like Day? No. At least Day had his personality. I won't even know who I am. I'll forget that I'm the last living Iparis, the last to stand, the last to fall. They push me back to my cell, but for once, I don't push, or protest. I'll lose my memory forever, forever gone. I'm no longer fearless, logical, June. Or I won't be.

Forgotten-A Legend FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz