Kona's Backstory But It's Toast's Opinion.

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I respect all opinions as long as it's not seriously hurting anyone that doesn't deserve it. So.. Yes.

Let's get this show on the road.

WARNING: [References to suicidal thoughts because I'm a dipstick]


Kona was born in Kenya to two loving parents in 1996/1994, idk I thought he was around 26 or 28. When Kona was 13, his parents were taken away, and he was taken in by his older cousin (His older cousin I assume was 29 at the time of taking him in).

Kona was given better education, (hooray he grows) and at one point he and his cousin move to New Zeland/UK, still between those two, idk, I'm sorry... 

When they were settled to their new home, Kona's cousin who idk what to name, slowly started to hide his culture, and kindly advised Kona to do the same. Kona never knew why his cousin asked him to do so (He got thrown with racism I suppose or was just ashamed of his background).


When Kona had finished his 12 years of education, he started looking for a prestigious University that'd grant him a better future. He found a school of his interest; <Insert engineering school name here>. He got accepted (good) and went off to start building his future (wth Toast, you couldn't think of a better thing to say??).

In his second year of University, unfortunately, his cousin, well he kicked the bucket, decided life wasn't worth living. Devastated, Kona went through a long period of well questioning if his life was worth living, and then he met Mimi. She helped him through his loss, and went on to be a close friend (unless you ship them which is perfectly reasonable).


After he'd finished College, he stayed close friends with Mimi. And he also went on to make his first concept of a Safety Mall Droid (My guy must have jostled that up when he was about to sleep, thinking of fake scenarios). And he started working on blueprints.

After all the hard work, he contacted a company, and presented his concept, but it was later rejected. But one person amongst them had agreed it would be a useful Droid, and accepted the concept, but with one condition (I'm guessing this isn't going to end well). This person told him his Droid was close to useless, and that it needed to be upgraded. The enhancements were kept a secret from Kona (BIG RED FLAG) and when showed to him, Kona was offended.

He had build the Droid to protect civilians and call authorities to deal with them accordingly, not to harm intruders. But he had no other choice, he was threatened by the owners.

And so his Prototype was spared, and Kona, not having anything else to do with it, made it his assistant, a little before the infection.

So Mimi was there for him up until Shortly before Kona presented his concept, Mimi had to go oversees for a job, and left Kona alone and isolated. But Kona around College could afford therapy, so-


So the Infection starts, and Kona is completely shut down from everyone else, no one to talk to but a Droid. He was advised to go up North, but being naïve, he refused.

After several months of complete isolation, he began going into the brink of insanity. Well of course he would.

<Side note, Insolence.>

He meets a strange man in a mask (TIO), and he offers him a deal, Kona will get to see his friends and family again, but he'll have to do something in return. Kona, knowing it was a bad idea, rejects TIO at least 4 times, and eventually gives up and take his deal. He meets a bird named Budgey, who took a deal from TIO as well. The two become close friends until Budgey steps out if line from TIO'S deal and well.. You'll find out what happens to her. Kona became so afraid of TIO, and started getting paranoid. 

Around this time, he was visited by his old friend, Mimi, and a group of other people including a human. He helped them go to the Military base, and when they finally got back, he volunteered to help them make another cure. 

Thanks for reading, have a good day!)

Stuff I should probably post on Twitter but am too scared toWhere stories live. Discover now