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It's more than halfway through Pride month and I'm late to the party.


Okay, so it's Pride month! A time to express who you are!

Whoever you are, whatever you identify as (as long as it isn't Animasexual, Dreamsexual, Chocosexual, etc), you matter, and you're more than welcome to express who you are. Don't hide. Unless you're me ❤

So this is just a list of Piggy LGBT headcanons because I don't know what else to do, and well what do you expect, I'm uncreative, I'm really sorry...

Now, remember, these are just my highly irrational opinions. You don't have to believe them, 

1. Kona, because of course he'd be here, this is TOAST who's writing this. 

I'm stuck between him being either a Biomantic Greyromantic with a male preference or an Abrosexual, but we'll stick with Abrosexual.

2. A somewhat common opinion of Willow.

She's had so much controversy, but I think she's Bisexual, with no preference. 

3. An unpopular opinion of Mimi.

Polysexual. Polysexual. I dare you to change my mind.

4. Giraffy :D.

I'm very much convinced he's Panromantic, Demisexual.

5. Doggy's a Pan man.

Again, just like Willow,  he's had so much controversy. But in my opinion, he's Pansexual.

6. Pony, because well-

Greysexual Panromantic. That's all I have to say. 

7. Kitty! :3

I think she's Omnisexual. But I don't really know. I want to hear your opinions.

8. Unpopular opinion of Zizzy.

Greysexual Biromantic, male preference. 

9. Tigry.

Flat out Pansexual, no questions.

10. Budgey.

Unexpected character, huh? Yeah, In my opinion, she's a Bigender, Bisexual. Don't worry, I won't- I won't make a bad pun or joke about it ❤

So. I'm done for now, and I'm open to requests for headcanons like these, just put in any character you'd like me to do. (That sounded wrong.)

As usual, have a good day, thanks for reading!

Stuff I should probably post on Twitter but am too scared toWhere stories live. Discover now