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April 11th

Haruka stood under the intimidating structure with a slight shake in her legs, accompanied by the clammiest hands known to man and a stomach twisted by so many knots it would put your average girl-scout to shame.

Ahead of her stood Hanabatake Girl's Highschool, a marvellous establishment respected by the masses for accepting only the finest of Maidens from all across Japan.

The building looked like some sort of mansion, with big ornate gates and too many rooms to count, the brick a pale and refreshing stone that reflected light and made the whole area seem as if it were glowing in the morning sun.

The courtyard was lined with cherry blossom trees, perfect for the season as the buds bloomed, the pale pinks and whites gleaming in the sun, creating a canopy over the heads of each student.

Within its walls, girls from all over the country chatted together about inconsequential and precious things alike, spending their youth harmoniously and creating life-long memories in their feminine paradise. Truly, it was a school run by girls, only for girls, and it would be bliss...

...Is what Haruka assumed. In truth, it was her first day of school and she was scared out of her wits, regressing into her usual yuri-filled fantasies in an attempt to stabilize her nerves.

She'd been dreaming of this moment ever since applying, to step into the walls of a school full of pure maidens, just like in the Girls' Love manga she cherished so dearly. This had been her ultimate goal ever since she picked up her first volume.

But as eager as Haruka was to begin her new life, nothing could have prepared her for the fear she felt in that moment.

Everything was about to change. This was her dream, and the sheer weight of her future was blinding Haruka's very conscience, clouding her vision, and holding her still in place. She'd studied so hard for this; practicing for entrance exams over and over, writing notes until her hand cramped up every single day. She couldn't let a single moment go to waste.

So why was she hesitating?

She closed her eyes, squeezing her lids shut and willing her positive thoughts into the forefront of her mind.

She had to be strong. She had to be charming. She had to try her best.

How else was she going to become the prince of this school?

She opened her eyes and without another thought, took a big leap forward.

A big smile crept her lips upward.

This was her Highschool debut- and the first day of her life in the Girls' Love paradise she'd always craved!

Prince of The All Girl's School (GXG)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt