Chapter Three: Unexpected Kindness

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April 11th – After School Hours

Haruka paced the halls of her dorm room back and forth, scolding herself repetitively for her foolish actions during the day.

She hadn't approached a single girl in her class, resulting in her having made a grand total of zero companions that day. So far, all she'd managed to encounter on her much-anticipated first day were her own jealous feelings regarding the prince Kaoru.

She'd have to try harder tomorrow, suck up her worries and approach a group head-first. Somehow, she would channel all the courage of her favourite princely characters together to make a sparkling debut- she just needed to believe!

The rest of her school year, and perhaps even her entire duration at Hanabatake Highschool, relied on her abilities to make friends now.

Haruka scratched her head in thought, thinking of each different way she could try to approach the girls in her class, a sudden motivation wrapping itself around her brain and steering her into a frenzy.

She stopped in her tracks when she figured it out, a way to test out her social skills that wouldn't send her mind into a muddled haze like the real deal did.

Picking up a plush toy from her bedspread, Haruka smiled smugly to herself, praising her brilliant idea, before setting the plush down on the bedstand, so that it was propped up high enough to hold decent eye contact with.

"Uhm, hi! I'm Haruka Nakasone, nice to meet you. Mind if I sit with you for lunch?" She rehearsed, fiddling with her hands as she focused hard to keep eye contact with the soft sheep plush.

Its black eyes stared back at her silently, wordlessly sitting there as if it was inspecting Haruka's very soul, taunting her by simply having a presence in the room.

She cracked.

"Ack, why does this feel so awkward even though you're just a toy? Seriously, even fake eye-contact seems so impossible..." Haruka mumbled, turning her back to the sheep and moving on to her next course of action.

In a desperate attempt, Haruka fished out a random volume of her favourite manga from under her bed and flipped through the pages, barely stopping to admire the illustrations before flicking onto a page she knew well.

It was a page showcasing the meeting of the love interest and the main character for the first time, she'd remembered being captivated by it when she first read it, and figured if she could recreate the scenario, she would be able to charm anyone she would happen to meet in the future. Just like it happened in manga.

Haruka picked up the plush once again and slammed it into the wall at once, holding it up with one hand, with her other arm firmly propped up against the wall.

She furrowed her brows and gave the plush toy her best sexy smoulder.

A perfect kabedon...

Silence filled the room once again, and Haruka slid down onto the floor.

Why did she think pinning people against the wall would ever be a good idea? It was embarrassing enough just doing it alone in her room, she'd probably die of shame if she ever did that in public! She could imagine herself now, her expression would probably be way too focused, and she'd just end up looking much too invested to pass as an aloof prince. How did the girls in her manga look so cool doing it, yet she looked like a total weirdo?

"What the hell am I even doing?" She muttered, a blush tinging her cheeks. Despite being in her lonesome, Haruka always seemed to manage to get riled up by her imagination alone. Why on earth was she still indulging in childish fantasies like this? She was in Highschool now for god's sake!

That night, she ended up perusing many forum pages online, with titles such as 'How to make friends at a new school.' In hopes of finding even a smidge of useful insight.

April 12th

Haruka entered the classroom that day with a newfound confidence.

She felt prepared: after reading up so much about how to make friends, she knew there was no way she could fail this time.

Haruka waltzed in with a skip in her step and looked around for any sign of a potential friendship. But when she saw that everyone was already huddled together in their established cliques, and she faltered slightly.

She stood awkwardly in the doorway for a second, and then suddenly felt eyes on her.


Haruka's head whipped around towards the source of the noise-

The Gyaru girl was waving at her, the only other girl in the room sat all alone.

Haruka's judgemental nature got to work faster than her empathy in that moment, and her immediate impulse was to send the Gyaru chick a quick nod before hurrying to her seat.

Only to realise, the Gyaru chick was sat right behind her.

A feeble attempt to avoid her, indeed.

How she didn't notice that yesterday, Haruka was unsure.

"Hey, did ya hear me?" She heard the girl ask from behind her and winced at the inescapable conversation she was about to enter.

She didn't want to associate with this girl at all. As mean as that sounded, she could tell already they probably had nothing in common, and she seemed like the loud and annoying type, what with all her bright colours and extrovertedness. Normal and confident girls like her wouldn't understand Haruka at all- and God forbid if this Gyaru ever found out about her love of Girls' Love manga. She'd probably gossip to the whole school about it, maybe even paint Haruka to be some weird pervert just for the sake of entertainment.

She needed to protect herself and her own interests, that was the top priority.

Luckily, Haruka was saved from responding by homeroom starting as the teacher entered the classroom.

"Alright class, settle down." She began, though the first years weren't all that rowdy in the first place, so they didn't need much persuading, "I hope you all remembered that today is the day we'll be choosing class president. Please raise your hand if you'd like to nominate yourself."

Oh god, Haruka totally forgot.

She froze in her seat as two other girls raised their hands proudly, clearly prepared for the responsibility of class president. They probably had a speech prepared and everything!

Haruka had wanted to become class president, of course, it would be the easiest way to get into The Student Council once she became a second year. The prince of the all girls' school was always in The Student Council. They were always reliable, a model student, and popular.

Haruka bit her lip and tried not to let her whole body deflate into her chair, sink away, and hide herself. She had to at least try, right?

Timidly, she began to raise her hand.

"Just two of you? Alright, Tanaka-san and Sato-san, come up and state your case and why you want to be class president to the rest of the class." The teacher piped up suddenly, not seeing Haruka's pathetic attempt at putting herself out there.

Well, that was it. There was no way she could become class president now. She was just too shy, too timid, too unconfident to make a difference at this school. But then...

"Uh, teach, I think you're glossin' over someone here. Nakasone's totes got her hand up right now! You gotta count her too!"

The Gyaru came to the rescue?

"Oh, Nakasone-san. My apologies, I didn't see your hand."

Haruka celebrated silently on the inside, straightening her back and nodding at the teacher. Yes, she definitely meant for this to happen!

But then, after a sudden moment of hope, she quickly realized... That she had forgotten all about this, after all. She was no where near prepared to convince her fellow classmates to elect her class president. She had no speech, no values, hell, no conviction at this point.

What was she even going to say to them?!?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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